EDITORIAL: Why is there no plan for the quarantined?

A DEBATE is stirring over whether people in quarantine will be able to vote in the election.

It was always likely that calling an election during a surge in COVID-19 cases would raise all kinds of issues – and here we are.

National Security Minister Marvin Dames yesterday suggested that those in quarantine will not be allowed to vote, a position echoed by Health Minister Renward Wells, who said health officials believe those in quarantine should not be allowed to vote on the basis that it could potentially lead to further spread of the virus.

It is a particularly frustrating discussion to have in the immediate aftermath of nomination day, which saw closely-packed groups of supporters dancing, hugging and failing to follow social distancing protocols.

Mr Wells himself shrugged off the nomination day crowds, saying that the day “has passed now”.

It’s a nightmare for healthcare considerations. We want people to be safe, and we want to stop the spread of the virus. At the same time, you don’t want to deprive people of their rights as citizens to play a part in choosing the next government. How many will have seen the crowds going out dancing on nomination day or packed together on trucks and decide to break quarantine and go and vote anyway? They shouldn’t, they put others at risk by doing so – but that’s the problem with others setting a bad example.

We should have seen this coming. Neither the pandemic nor the election date has come as a surprise to the government. Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis chose this date – in the middle of a surge he knew was happening. Proxy votes or postal votes could have been discussed and debated, for example, to ensure people were not disenfranchised.

There are good things that have been done in preparation – such as expanding the categories of people who can take part in advanced voting. And there are good points that have been raised, such as doctors cautioning not to have people dip their fingers in the same ink as is traditional.

But as it stands we have no solution for those in quarantine – or those who will be in quarantine by the time of the vote. Because it is those who come into contact with people in the coming days who will still be in quarantine on election day.

In the meantime, try and protect yourself. If you haven’t done it yet, get your first vaccination. If you’re able to get your second, then you can be fully vaccinated by the day of the vote. That will help your safety, your health, and continue to reduce the spread of the virus.

This debate about quarantined voters is far from over – and there seems little appetite to search for solutions.

An historic farewell

The Cabinet Office building is to be demolished.

As a building, it has long had its troubles, but it is also part of our history, with decisions made in those walls that shaped our nation.

Demolition is to take up to seven weeks, the end of the offices spanning the end of one government and the start of its successor.

The landmark will soon be gone. Mark it well before it vanishes, and remember the achievements of our history.


ohdrap4 2 years, 8 months ago

Because the sick and unvaccinated are seen as second class citizens.

Now it is known that the vaccinated, who are allowed to "party on" can be infectious and infected.

I believe some would be pleased if they could say all unvaccinated could be barred from voting.


John 2 years, 8 months ago

If Minnis did not jump on this VACCINE agenda the country would be much further a dead in this pandemic and experiencing much less cases and deaths. But for whatever reason, ignorance even , Minnis dropped everything and went on a mad rage to get everyone vaccinated. Now the experts, some who include manufacturers of some of the more popular vaccines are saying in a loud and unified voice, ‘Ee cannot vaccinate ourselves out of this pandemic. It was a wrong approach to try vaccinate everyone. Other tools and mechanisms, like NATURAL IMMUNITY, have to be incorporated to beat the virus. Snd people who have recovered from the virus should not be vaccinated. They have natural immunity and can help achieve herd immunity. But Minnis is singing his same old outdated song; ‘get vaccinated, get vaccinated , get vaccinated. Get ya ma vaccinated , get ya pa vaccinated get your sista den vaccinated.. starting to sound like a retard!


ohdrap4 2 years, 8 months ago

Back in June there were 3 resignations from the FDA. Two more today.

Sir Andrew Pollard, who told the MPs that herd immunity is now mythical, has apparently been disinvited from the Vaccination Committee in the UK.

What disgusts me is that employers have bought into this.


Bobsyeruncle 2 years, 8 months ago

So what ? The 3 who resigned in June were NOT from the FDA, they were external advisors to the FDA, who sit on an advisory board. They resigned from the advisory board. Also, it had nothing to do with the Covid vaccine, but the FDA's decision to approve a certain Alzheimer's treatment.

The 2 who resigned this week were part of the vaccine review process (not just Covid), but no official statement has been given regarding why they resigned, unless you consider publications like New York Post, to be official ?


John 2 years, 8 months ago

When you block out the noise and rhetoric and look closely at the data for this country, something is obviously going on.


bahamianson 2 years, 8 months ago

well, if you are quarantined, can you go the grocery store, movie, or Florida? Stop making it more than it is, it is what it is. well, anyone whom wants a quarantined individual to vote, why do you not take the ballot to them and bring it back to the polls?


ohdrap4 2 years, 8 months ago

Because it is illegal. Otherwise they would take ballots to the cemetery.

The right to go to supervalue or Florida is not inalienable, as Dr. Eneas once joked.

The right to vote is a serious constitutional matter.


mandela 2 years, 8 months ago

Other countries have had elections during the pandemic and persons in quarantine were able to vote, they could have looked, analyze the possibilities, not be lazy, and find a way to ensure that no eligible voter is denied their rights.


The_Oracle 2 years, 8 months ago

Meanwhile the Quarantined are relieved they don't have to roll the dice in the crap shoot.


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