Farewell, AD Hanna

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Today is a sad day in The Bahamas as we laid to rest one of our national heroes and icons, the late Hon Arthur Dion Hanna, Sr.

I wish to extend my sincere condolences not only to the Hanna family but to the entire country as we witness not only the death of one of our founding fathers but the end of an era.

However, it is also a sad day for another reason. As our country is facing the dreaded COVID Virus which is taking the lives and health of so many of our people and is undoubtedly the worst crisis to face our country in living memory, instead of Bahamians pulling together to fight this dreaded enemy we are deeply divided and fighting each other instead of this disease.

The division is exacerbated by the fact that we face a general election in the next few weeks, and we are busily criticising everything that is being done to fight the virus, and spending more time complaining about the removal of Election posters instead of encouraging our people to take steps to protect themselves.

As a result we hear people rejoicing that a new government may rid us of the very things that have been put in place to protect us, namely masks, social distancing and vaccines. Our political directorate should be uniting in urging people to try and save their lives and the lives of those around them. But they are too busy trying to get elected and thereby spending too much time trying to bring down their opponents.

I can only hope that people will see and recognise what is important and leave the politicians to their games.

However. I fear, to paraphrase the Bard, that Common sense has fled to savage beasts and man has lost his reason.



August 26, 2021.


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