FOAM appeals for more back-to-school support


Khandi Gibson


DESPITE generous contributions from Senators last week, the founder of Families of All Murder Victims (FOAM) says much more help is still needed to support the organisation’s two back-to-school initiatives.

Khandi Gibson said yesterday the senators’ contribution assisted ten children in receiving resources, however she made a plea to the community to give so that many more can receive what they need.

She said there had been a major decline in funding to the organisation.

“I appreciate the senators for their kind donation toward the back-to-school initiatives for the children of murder victims and we appreciate it,” she said yesterday. “But we also need more sponsors and more donors to help us with these initiatives.

“I am not going to lie, but after the pandemic things started to dwindle down a lot, like right now I am paying rent for a building that nothing comes into, so right now I am operating at a loss. Right now I don’t have staff or anyone to give a stipend to, because I just can’t afford it. With no funding what could you do?”

This summer, FOAM continued its ten-year summer initiative of back-to-school uniform assistance, where people can adopt a child and donate at least $75 to the organisation or to Janaees Uniform Centre, with whom FOAM is partnered.

This would mean children will get assistance by receiving a new school blouse, skirt or pants, socks and neck tie.

FOAM is also planning a food drive to take place at its headquarters in Nassau Village on August 29. The event is called “Mama, No Need to Rush”.

From 7am to 8.30am, free breakfast and snacks will be available for all children. Ms Gibson said she hopes the organisation can feed at least 500 children.


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