Capital punishment

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Since the last hanging during PM Ingraham's time there has been no hanging for murder. I recall within 24 hours of the much publicised hanging ZNS outside the walls of Fox Hill live coverage there were two murders (the point of hanging being a deterrent possibly minimised). Privy Council says none except for the worst of the worst, but what is that three?

To the highly respected retired Asst Commissioner Thompson might it be the lack of parental discipline and adherence to the Law that the generation you seem to talk about simply threw them out with the dirty bath water and we got what we got - vengeance - retaliation sole conclusion till they kill each other off and there will be no more to kill then it will stop.

Then there is the advocate the Talk Show host, he proclaims at the beginning of every one of his Shows he is a Catholic - he better ask his priest what is the position of the Catholic Church on hanging - it certainly does not support hanging nor the loss of life through abortion.

We as a society must take the responsibility for the mess - to resolve this it will take generations, not fangled police scheme-programme re-programming of young people and society where the aide disciplines will be now the norm not extinct. Start with petty tiefing. Be strict on that - anyone benefiting from crime increase the punishment, watch out, mama, we will take you to Court for receiving what Johnny tiefs and gives to you as a gift.

Hanging will not resolve the crime environment. Violence will not cure violence.

Until those the very small minority simply run out of people to kill nothing is going to change - operation this and that will not stop it. There is not the official resolve to eradicate quickly you have to put in place very unpopular ideas — disciplines and programmes virtually to the limit of breach of Human Rights/Civil Rights - no politician here will do that.



August 17, 2022.


birdiestrachan 1 year, 8 months ago

Some times innocent people are killed by the state and the guilty goes free they have good lawyers , if people are bought guilty they should go to jail for the rest of their lives , ,killing them is not the answer


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