No to Village Rd roundabout

EDITOR, The Tribune

Having attended the Village Road improvement project virtual meeting in March, I was shocked to learn the Ministry of Works now proposes to install a roundabout in the area of Queen’s College and the Bahamas National Trust.

Why was this kept under wraps until now?

This is a major development and the matter should have been raised at the March meeting to allow area residents an opportunity to respond.

How will this impact home values, pedestrian traffic and BNT’s Retreat Gardens?

The Retreat is part of the national park system, internationally famous with its garden of palms, rare tropical plants, rock grottos and secluded walking paths.

It’s a sanctuary for migratory and resident birds and serves as a venue for weddings, farmers markets and art and cultural gatherings.

Residents of the many neighbourhoods off Village Road enjoy strolling to this Garden of Eden to enjoy the beauty and quiet it offers and to instill in their children an appreciation of nature. It’s a tourist attraction.

Surely the government, which is championing sustainability and working to combat climate change, doesn’t intend to encroach on a national park or install a roundabout on its front doorstep?

A roundabout will alter the character of this historic community and turn green into hardscape. It will alter the quality of life for residents.

A hundreds of years old and protected silk cotton tree is already sacrificed for the project.

The Ministry must host another town meeting to allow area residents an opportunity to respond to this major development. Residents have a right to be heard.

QC says it will stagger school hours for the various departments for the duration of the roadworks to ease traffic congestion.

This model was adopted by one of the private schools in the east some years ago and it has significantly improved traffic flows. Perhaps QC would consider making it permanent?


August 29, 2022


themessenger 1 year, 8 months ago

Agree entirely! What possible effect could a roundabout in the middle of Village Road and immediately in front of Queens College cause but a higher level of road rage and frustration among motorists, not least among parents on a tight schedule trying to collect their children, and an even higher rate of accidents and fender benders. There was once a roundabout at the junction of Village, Bernard, Soldier and Wullf roads which some enlightened engineer had the foresight to remove and replace with traffic lights, but as always with our governments, if it isn’t broken break it!


joeblow 1 year, 8 months ago

... this decision is consistent with a lack of common sense in government projects! Not surprised


Bigrocks 1 year, 8 months ago

Not just Gov folks. The Canadian banks seem to have their fair share of stupid decision makers. All want to stop checks, raise fees and you do your own transactions. We have BTC and REV that now seems to have unreliable internet. So, I wonder how all this digital future is going to work when nothing to support it does. Forget all the support by phone and email. Seems all those D- school kids of the past and present have managed to promote themselves in all these places !?


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