Media have an agenda over Sears

EDITOR, The Tribune,

It is now patently clear that the main media organisations may have an agenda to force the resignation of the Hon Alfred Sears as they have anointed itself prosecutor, judge and jury in this developing political saga. We have yet to hear and digest all of the facts herein.

Minnis was supposed to, by law, disclose every six weeks how he and his Competent Authority were spending untold millions of dollars yet not a single media outlet, editors included, ever called for his apparent violation of the law... not constitutional conventions. Now, some of them are rabid having smelt blood in the water for Sears to go?

The press is usually “free” in our wonderful nation, but when it is determined to be self righteous watch out.

Stay safe and where possible impartial. SELAH.



December 14, 2022


themessenger 1 year, 5 months ago

Impartial??? For someone as partial as Bodie is for buttering Braves Buns, I find it astonishing that he could fix his mouth to utter the word.


pablojay 1 year, 5 months ago

" Media have an agenda over Sears". This is another time where i was able to correctly identify the author before having seen the letter. Let's give him the 4B'S.....Bodie Butters Brave Buns!


Flyingfish 1 year, 5 months ago

Lmao, Bahamians are getting tired of incompetency. He/she did it to isn't an excuse, we need a government with some standards please.


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