LETTER: If He had not died

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Many people are bent out of shape over the true meaning of Christmas. Some say that it represents a pagan season. Others say that the birth, death and resurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ are merely mumbo-jumbo. Yet, a few more alleged that Christmas is representative of “the day of the Sun“. If any of the foregoing is true or false really means nothing to me one way or the other. The facts are the facts.

If The Lord Jesus Christ was not born, as He clearly was, our entire Christian faith would be in vain. We accept that His death/sacrifice on the cross was necessary if mankind was ever to reconcile with God due to the original ‘sin’ of disobedience by Adam and Eve. The actual date of His birth is debatable, but in the grand scheme of things does it really matter? Christ never mandated that anyone should celebrate His birthday. Traditionally, however, we have been doing so for eons and, no doubt, we will continue to do so, if we wish. There is no compulsion.

Some would-be theologians and biblical illiterates are good at quoting scriptures to bolster their bogus arguments that to celebrate Christmas and have a nice tree with decorations is ‘the work of the Devil’ and more. They love to selectively refer to particular scriptures and condemn all who do not agree with their posture. Mind you, many of them are ‘good’ people who try to live their lives circumspectly. Many of them, however, while being able to wax eloquently about the whys and the nots of Christmas are not living their lives, publicly, as if they were, in fact, Christians.

Christmas, to me, is a time for sober reflections and advanced planning for a brand-New Year. Yes, many of us will go to extremes in eating; drinking and having a whale of a time. There is nothing wrong with any of this, once done in moderation. After a sometimes stressful two years, due to COVID and Dorian, this year’s Christmas is a good time to celebrate and let off some steam, so to speak. 2023, in my opinion, will be one of the best years that The Bahamas has yet to experience. Things are, finally, falling into place all across the board, thanks be to The Almighty God.

While celebrating, however, many of these so-called pious persons would do well to reflect on their own personal lives and their professed walk with The Lord. Many of you all do not even talk to your biological family members, but are creased up in a house of worship on a regular basis and act as if you are God’s gift to the world. There are fathers and mothers who would have long ago abandoned their off spring. Others hate their neighbours with a passion of pure hatred. Wives and husbands are sleeping in the same house, but in different bedrooms. Children are disobedient and cruel towards parents.

Christmas is a good time for reconciliation and mending broken fences. In celebrating, please remember those among us who might be in urgent need of shelter; clothing or food. There are yet many more who just need a word of encouragement. Do not forget the little darlings and the precious pearls. This Christmas whether it be pagan or not should be enjoyed, but not abused. It is to be foremost in our minds, however, that if He had not died there would be absolutely no need to be celebrating his alleged birthday or anything else. We have been presented with an opportunity to get it right with God.

Merry Christmas and an even bigger; better and more prosperous New Year.



December 22, 2022.


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