What baggage?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am not an FNM and most of my other habits are food ones. I was almost astounded when I read a recent article in The Tribune by Rashad Rolle, a senior reporter at that fine establishment, wherein he quoted Adrian White (FNM-Ann’s Town) as suggesting that both he and Shanendon Cartwright (FNM-St. Barnabas) have “baggage” going into the upcoming FNM convention. They are both seeking to become Deputy Leader of that party. Former members of parliament Dr Duane Sands; Malcolm Foulkes and Elsworth Johnson are seeking to become National Chairman.

As I am not a member or supporter of the FNM, I fail to understand what “baggage” Cartwright brings to the political arena or table. I make no secret of my admiration, on a strictly non partisan way, for Cartwright and former Minister of Tourism & Aviation, Dionisio D’Aguilar. These gentlemen are seeped in business and community work and could have had much more to offer the wonderful people of The Bahamas if hard-headed Minnis did not call a snap election.

With a large and solid PLP majority in what was once Kemp Road and the surrounding streets, the PLP, led by Philip “Brave” Davis, QC (PLP-Cat Island) had little hopes of winning Free Town. The vast majority of the intake of PLP members of parliament did not, in my view, succeed because of their own traits. In fact, they rode to victory on the coattails of Brave.

Cartwright and I have been friends for almost a thousand years from the time he was a Search Clerk at Messrs Graham; Thompson & Company and I was a youthful attorney with the law firm of Messrs Bostwick & Bostwick. He later moved onto university in the USA on a basketball (believe it or not) scholarship.

He excelled and returned home where he carved out a managerial position at McDonald’s. Again, he excelled in this position. He is a long time member of the FNM and did not just drop out of the sky. He has proven himself as a valuable member of that party. Of the handful of FNMs who were re-elected to the House he is extremely popular in St Barnabas. My brother Senator Michael Halkitis, now Minister of Economic Affairs (and a good one at that), and the PLP could have won that constituency, but I guess that the PLP took it for granted that they had it in the bag.

White has been quoted as suggesting that both he and Cartwright have “political baggage”. What was he talking about? He went on to say that his opponent for the Deputy position within the FNM was under “investigation” for his role at Beaches & Parks.

White is a lawyer so I expected him to understand the stark differences between an investigation and actual criminal or other charges.

To seemingly imply “guilt” on Cartwright’s behalf, without the investigation being completed or the appropriate report laid on the table of the House is disingenuous and accounts to a naked political assault by a fellow party member and MP.

Was he pre-empting any possible report? Was he suggesting that Cartwright may have, in some nebulous way, benefitted from contracts issued by the Beaches & Park Commission, with no evidence, yet in the public domain? The quest for political ascendency often brings out the worst in many Bahamians. I would hope that White is distinctly different. There is no longer room for gutter politics and ad hominem character attacks, without public evidence. Well do we all recall the saga of Boboo & Toggie.

No, I am not a spear carrier for Cartwright. All Bahamians know just where my political loyalty lies. I will not, however, roll over and have anyone, without credible evidence, appear to vilify and scandalise any one in public life, regardless of party.

It is of great interest for me to hear and see the possible conclusion of any current or pending “investigations” as they may relate to the tenures of Minnis as competent Authority; former Minister of Works & Utilities, Desmond Bannister, and, of course, the Hon. Adrian Gibson at the Water & Sewerage while Executive Chairman. In the meantime, White, leave Cartwright alone.



February 6,2022.


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