Grow more

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am writing an open letter to the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources, Clay Sweeting. I read an article in the paper about how the pandemic has affected Barbados. Now their government has started to give out large portions of Crown land to those persons interested and needing to do backyard farming as a way to sustain, and feed themselves.

I remember many years ago the late Sir Etienne Dupuch writing in his editorial column in The Tribune saying, we need to grow more food for our own consumption, and also to export.

Many nights, over the years, before going to bed, The Tribune newspaper, was what I read. I have learned much from Sir Etienne Dupuch over the years, on how to help improve myself. Many years later, because of this, I started to farm and grow things for my own household.

I truly believe, Madam Editor, when the poor and average Bahamians apply to lease land to Crown land, the ministers and/or directors take too long to issue out a lease, it’s only in the Bahamas when you have a grant that the Prime Minister has to sign.

Many people put their emails, PO Box and telephone and it still takes long to receive a response. We need to help ourselves much better as an island nation. We need to teach our people self help. I have not read or heard the new agriculture minister speak on Crown land lease yet. Talking to other people who have applied they have also not received a reply as yet.



January 22, 2022.


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