A COMIC'S VIEW: Weed versus war and hopping mad about gas prices

WITH gas prices as high as the ones in Miami, right, maybe a pogo stick is the way to go to work for a while...

WITH gas prices as high as the ones in Miami, right, maybe a pogo stick is the way to go to work for a while...


THIS week saw the US cannabis industry join the war effort in the Ukraine.

All while gas prices soared locally, tickling $6.00 a gallon.

Let’s have a closer look before the price of gas jumps again!


As war rages in Ukraine, United States-based cannabis industry businesses, are doing their part to help those caught in the ravages of the conflict.

In California, San Francisco’s Medi-Thrive dispensary is raising funds to donate to the Sunflower of Peace, a Massachusetts-based nonprofit organization working to support the Ukrainian people in the midst of the Russian invasion.

Medi-Thrive CEO Misha Breyburg is a Ukrainian Jewish refugee who immigrated from Odessa, Ukraine, to the United States as a child in the 1970s.

“This hits especially close to home, especially for Jewish Ukrainians, I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do something.”

Breyburgh expressed in the Jewish News of Northern California.

To show his support for the people of Ukraine, Breyburg had the dispensary storefront in the Mission District painted blue and yellow, the colours of the Ukrainian national flag. The business has also donated the proceeds of all cannabis sales made on March 6 to Sunflower of Peace, whose fundraising efforts are providing medical and humanitarian aid to those affected by the war in Ukraine.

“While many charitable efforts focus on providing Ukraine with food and military aid, the medical professionals responding to the crisis in Ukraine struggle to treat the wounded and sick, they require more medical and survival supplies.”

MediThrive will also donate 10 percent of cannabis sales through March 13th to the Sunflower of Peace.

On Monday, Breyburg said the drive had already raised “in the high five figures”.

Imagine if we cultivated (pun intended) a thriving cannabis industry, both medicinally and recreationally, that was so profitable and well run, that we as a nation could benefit off the industry taxes on multiple levels.

Including directly injecting into the National Disaster Relief Fund. Eliminating the grey area surrounding donors and NGO’s. Finally, as a nation we would know exactly where the funding came from, and it’s intended use in case of emergency or natural disaster.


Straight out of the gate, we as citizens need to deal with the gas prices.

There is NOTHING that can be done!

According to Sir Franklyn Wilson, FOCOL Holdings chairman, who told Tribune Business in a recent interview, that there was little to nothing that

The Bahamas can do to offset forces outside of its control as global oil prices as measured by the Brent crude index at one point struck $139 per barrel.

Sir Franklyn, doesn’t have any reason to lie about the current global situation and the ramifications. It’s safe to say he knows a thing or two about the oil industry.

So ironically, any statements by the current administration, regarding controlling gas prices as not to affect consumers, etc, is pure political “gas lighting”.

Thanks for the clarification, Sir Franklyn.

Moving forward, I strongly suggest, with gas prices locally flirting with $6.00 a gallon and gas prices soaring globally, including $5.89 a gallon in nearby Biscayne Bay in Miami, that Bahamians invest in, roller skates, skate boards, push scooters, bicycles, unicycles and logo sticks.

Yes “pogo sticks”, I’ve always considered myself a trail blazer and entrepreneur so feel free to email me at - naughty@ tribunemedia.net for more information on pogo sticks and gas efficiency. I have three top of the line models in stock.

Until next week with gas prices soaring, might I suggest those of us who have two vehicles, please use one. For those with one vehicle, take the Jitney of your choice and for those who take the Jitney please start walking.


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