Take a look in the mirror

EDITOR, The Tribune.

AS Bahamians, we should all admit to ourselves after looking in the mirror that when we go to our so-called election polls every four years plus now, we go to vote for what we see in the mirror.

It is so unfortunate that after we vote for what we see in the mirror, they go to our so-called House of Assembly and the only thing that happens is that we, the so small among the individuals, are tasked and burdened down with more financial stress than we had before. It never seems to be a conclusion that we, the people, need something to happen for us that makes our lives less stressful and more productive.

If you saw a white man in the mirror, then that’s what you voted for. If you didn’t see a white man in the mirror, that’s what you voted for; but, at the end of the day, you voted for whatever you saw in the mirror.

Looking at Bahamians that I see every day all around me – it is very difficult to understand why they cannot see that after jumping up and down in their colourful t-shirts, their lives do not improve, and things never get better for them.

If you believe things are better for you then why are you still toting water from the public faucet?

Why is it that you must still do the same thing that you have been doing from childhood to adulthood?

Hopefully, something will happen for people over the hill. If you believe that things are better for you, you need to share the secret because your day-to-day activities do not show any betterment.

If “it’s better in The Bahamas”, why is it that we Bahamians cannot get anything from our natural resources that belong to all of us Bahamians?

Why is it that a small piece of country like The Bahamas with a very, very small number of people is burdened down with a national debt of billions of dollars and there is nothing in our little country to show for it?

I told you years ago, and you can do your research of my letters to the editor in The Tribune, that one day you will not be allowed to even come out into the streets the way that you wish but I’ll leave that for now.

I have a message for Bahamians. While a few of us are left in The Bahamas, it is time that we begin to see that all of us are one.

There is only one Bahamian; it makes no difference if you think that you are red, yellow, black, or white (maybe even purple or green and sometimes pink), you are still a part of the same one Bahamian. It is time that we see each other as one and begin to help each other more before it is too late.

If we can’t see that we are being overrun by outsiders, then one day we may wake up and find ourselves as refugees heading to the same camp because what we thought was ours is now owned by other people.

The practice of ‘I’m in charge’ and only looking out for an individual and to hell with everyone else must stop. If you haven’t noticed, I’m going to let you in on a little secret - it makes no difference what you accumulate on this Earth, while you are still breathing God’s breath that you believe you are so entitled to.

You will leave it all behind and other people will have to lift you down in the hole if your remains are not turned into ashes.

We have outsiders in this country that have Bahamians working and withholding their pay, even though it’s supposed to be illegal in The Bahamas. If ‘the more you accumulate the better it is’, then why is it that some people who have money like dirt are so upset when the pharmacy is closed?

Let us use the war that is going on right now on this Earth as a typical example of life.

As the world watches a lot of innocent people lose their lives everyday in a war that they didn’t call for, some of us see life daily as enjoying ourselves by drinking, smoking, and night clubbing.

We have millions of people that have done their best in life and thought they were living almost comfortably and now must run and leave everything behind and take shelter somewhere else. Bahamians, I say to you, we need to do better for ourselves because we have a small war going on within our own capital, New Providence, by a few criminals. Maybe one day, someone may realise we cannot deal with these criminals dressed up in coat suits and afraid to get dirty.



March 22, 2022.


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