Minister ‘hopeful’ for mask-free schools soon

EDUCATION Minister Glenys Hanna Martin.

EDUCATION Minister Glenys Hanna Martin.



EDUCATION Minister Glenys Hanna Martin is “hopeful” that the mask mandate will be lifted in classrooms soon, noting she was aware conditions are not ideal.

As of Saturday, the country’s mask mandate was largely relaxed with the exception of those accessing healthcare facilities, visiting senior care homes or in an indoor classroom setting. The adjustments to the mask mandate were recommended by the advisory committee at the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

Mrs Hanna Martin said that with the assistance of   Health Minister Dr Michael Darville, plans to further relax mask measures are in the works.

 “I have spoken to the minister of health about it, of course we are very empathetic for the situation of students and teachers in the classroom, which already have conditions which are not so ideal,” she told reporters yesterday.

The education minister said the minister of health has assured her that officials are monitoring the matter and when it is deemed appropriate, it will be lifted.

 “I understand their concern and I have raised that with the minister of health and he has raised it with their team,” she said.

 “We are awaiting modification of these rules. It’s a serious situation and I’m just trusting that very soon the students in the classroom will be freed of wearing masks during learning time.”

 She also emphasised that when students are outdoors, masks are not required, therefore it should provide some level of relief.

 Last month, acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Phillip Swann explained why officials recommended that masks still be worn in healthcare facilities, senior care homes and classroom settings.

 “In healthcare facilities, healthcare workers and system users are to maintain the use of masks at all times to ensure that the vulnerable are protected. This has been the case in most healthcare settings prior to COVID and persons with a cough when provided with a mask or isolated from other persons and spaces in a clinic setting or health setting,” Dr Swann said.

 “In education institutions, the mask mandate for school or education institutions was also retained for in class settings and these are some of the reasons why we maintained that posture.”

 According to Dr Swann, vaccination levels among school aged children are amongst the lowest, however officials are making final arrangements to facilitate the administration of paediatric vaccines in schools to help increase vaccinations among children.


joeblow 1 year, 9 months ago

... there is no valid reason they can give to a sensible person as to why masks cannot be worn in schools. 2 years of COVID has shown that children are the least vulnerable to its effects AND this is the weakest strain of covid now in circulation. These decision makers are clueless!

DDK 1 year, 9 months ago

Leave the children alone! Stop damaging them with nasty masks and dangerous vaccines! Not later, now!

carltonr61 1 year, 9 months ago

Bahamians are sensible people. On this Earth there is scientific medical Dara that the vaccine harms to children are worst than omicron. After all, the vaccines are Delta varient. Delta is no more. Omicron is not deadly. The binaries vaccine has not passed safety. Just what the devil are they up to. The Delta mRNA vaccines are known to cause infection, spread infection and does not prevent covid according to WHO and recommended for persons over 60 to 65 who have comobidities.

JokeyJack 1 year, 9 months ago

Ive been putting my unused masksat the bottom of my socks, and they have cleared up my athletes foot dramatically. Masks are amazing. Do they cure cancer too?

tom1912 1 year, 9 months ago

Whenever I have to engage with medics and dentist who are wearing, an insist I wear one of these generic face masks, homemade or in china, I ask them whether they would accept a surgeon carrying out an operation on them with such masks,you can guess their response. :-)

It's about time that medics stop giving authorities advice on masks and leave it to filtration experts.

[Interestingly enough I've noted most of those blue chinese light blue ones clearly state " not for medica use"

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