Peter Roker’s National Heroes Day charity challenge

PETER Roker overlooking the site of his gas station, set to open next month.

PETER Roker overlooking the site of his gas station, set to open next month.

BUSINESSMAN, fuel retailer and philanthropist Peter Roker, known as a pioneer in the Carmichael Road West community, is engaging in one of the biggest philanthropic challenges of his life this National Heroes Day. He will attempt to walk 248,160ft, or 47 miles around the entire island of New Providence in an effort to raise funds for three charities.

This 80 year-old community leader plans to start his marathon on Monday, October 10 at 7am from the site of his newest gas station at the Milo Butler highway roundabout. Peter Roker’s Esso Gas Station is set to open in November, continuing his legacy of giving more to his customers and giving back to the community. He will walk from the gas station, head west to Carmichael Road, down to Adelaide, on to Clifton Pier, then Lyford Cay areas, on to Cable Beach, then follow the northern coast of New Providence all the way to the Eastern Road. He will attempt to continue the walk on to Prince Charles, then Soldier Road, back on to Carmichael Road, then Fire Trail Road back to the gas station site.

This is Mr. Roker’s “Just Because - Penny Per Foot” challenge and as a result, he is asking the general public, including organisations, companies and government agencies to sponsor each step that he takes on this journey to make a difference in the lives of his fellow Bahamians.

The main purpose of this “Just Because” event will be to assist three local charities chosen, in hopes to raise enough funds to aid those in need. They are: the Ranfurly Homes for Children, Bahamas Children’s Emergency Hostel, and Abilities Unlimited.

Challenge him by donating one penny for each foot he actually walks. Donations will go directly to these institutions. To make a donation, visit Peter Roker’s -”Just Because” on Facebook to find the pledge sheet with banking information for each charity. You can also find Peter Roker Just Because on Instagram and Tok Tok, or call him at 424-0749.


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