Bermuda trip

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A whole bunch of otherwise idle people with nothing better to do, have been getting all bent out of shape because of alleged expenses which may have accrued as a result of a delegation led by the Prime Minister over to Bermuda recently. It seems that some of these same people are questioning whether or not the administration or the political party, the PLP, paid in full or in part for that journey and abode.

I do not know who organised that trip but they would have, I submit, ill advised the PM. This PM is a straight forward and honest individual. He has no desire or need to use the public purse willy-nilly or at all. The fact that there are ‘silly’ questions being raised illustrates the depths to which those who oppose this enlightened Prime Minister are prepared to go. This PM is well versed in accountability and transparency.

At the end of the day, those who question these non issues, would do well to focus on the things that matters. If the pure PLP part of the Bermuda delegation incurred expenses that would not have been covered by the Progressive Labor Party (PLP), then common sense would lead one to expect the PLP here in The Bahamas, to reimburse and make up the appropriate shortfalls, if any. Any official functions by the PM and governmental officials would, of course, be covered be covered by the budget approved for usage by the Office of the Prime Minister.

In the same breath it would really be interesting for those who are questioning this administration about relative peanuts, to inform the Bahamian people how may tens of millions of taxpayers dollars may have been , allegedly, expended during the height of the pandemic, with absolutely no known accountability or transparency. They are now worried about a fistful of dollars, which will be quantified and reimbursed in short order? At this rate the detractors will be and remain in political limbo for eons.

Ortland H. Bodie, Jr.


October 27, 2022

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