Rape laws urgently need review

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The laws governing what is rape and what isn’t urgently need review - repeat probably and a new sensibly written law will co-exist with modern convention and Statute Law.

Remove the word marital it’s inclusion existing is unjust - discriminatory and does not cover the fullest description of what and how rape can occur - remove the word “marital”.

Rape by basic definition the forcible taking agreement/acceptance to the sexual act on either gender, not either, on another totally against the will of the other party.

If any of either gender - without either party agreeing is forcibly against their will into a sex act of any kind does not have to be limited to intercourse or anal sex - that is Rape.

There has to be worry as to the process of reporting rape - unfortunately it is well established that in some cases a female trying to report rape is almost as traumatic as the rape itself.

Every police station should have trained officers who will interview the person making the claim - those interviews must be video recorded. Once the claim is established the police team stops and calls in a specialist psychologist who will then interview the claimant - assess and probably carry out the criminal rape kit/test. No claimant should have to wait more than 48 hours before knowing the Police have concluded that a rape occurred and they will take all steps to arrest the offender.



September 1, 2022.


joeblow 1 year, 7 months ago

"*Rape by basic definition the forcible taking agreement/acceptance to the sexual act on either gender, not either, on another totally against the will of the other party.

If any of either gender - without either party agreeing is forcibly against their will into a sex act of any kind does not have to be limited to intercourse or anal sex - that is Rape*"

If this definition were correct then women could also be charged with rape, and it is discriminatory that they cannot be.

Rape is a gender specific crime that involves the penetration of any orifice with a penis (natural or surgically created) without consent, or a reasonable belief in consent. If the courts really want to be just it should allow women who have unconsented intercourse to be guilty of rape as well by making is an act of sex without consent or reasonable belief in consent!

Wonder if a feminist will ever consider this argument, in the promotion and furtherance of "gender equality",


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