Republic would not help Bahamas

EDITOR, The Tribune.

In our mourning as a nation for our beloved Queen Elizabeth who served us with dedication for over 70 years the remarks to the Canadian people by our progressive and modern Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were profound: “So much of the endurance and stability of our democracy is woven into our Westminster parliamentary system, our Constitutional Monarchy and The Crown”.

Under the leadership of Justin’s late father, the dynamic Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, together with the Canadian Provincial Governments the Monarchy system was entrenched in 1982 into our Constitution and is extremely difficult to abolish. It is a democratic framework which serves Canada well.

I was greatly alarmed to read that with our Queen not even buried some Bahamian politicians are already talking about the country becoming a republic. As an investor in your country and a frequent resident I cannot see how that helps The Bahamas in any way. Right now you have a freely elected Parliament, British-style courts and an impartial Governor-General which makes your country, like Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other Commonwealth realms the envy of the world.

Investors like safe places in which to place their funds. The track record of republics controlled by politicians is very poor. Another failed third world republic should not be the future of The Bahamas.

Let us now give our support to our new King Charles III who is well trained for his new role. His active interest in the environment and other issues will assist Commonwealth countries as we move ahead. Let us also be proud of our heritage.



September 10, 2022.


joeblow 1 year, 8 months ago

... if a Republic will reduce the nation debt, illegal immigration, government corruption and diversify the economy, then I'm all for it, but we all know it won't, so why bother!

Now let me see if I can think of one successful Caribbean republic ....!


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