Downtown development lack of will?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Firstly, let me say that the unvarnished truth is hard to acknowledge. Every twelfth grader knows that most, if not all of the properties downtown are owned by the once powerful white rich families, who controlled the affairs of this country prior to 1967.

Today, downtown is an eyesore. It is a travesty that was allowed to fester spanning successive administrations. For more than thirty years, the idea of downtown redevelopment had been discussed, from the days of George Mackey, former MP for Fox Hill. I seem to recall that George Mackey was affiliated with some group or committee - correct me - whose task was to spearhead the downtown redevelopment initiative. Thus far, no government, past or present, seems to have the political will to tackle this problem head on. None. I am not in the business of providing grist for the political mill, but there are two ideas floating in the stream of public opinion.

Firstly, there is a view that some property owners would prefer building top end apartments of town houses along the Bay Street thoroughfare, which would essentially create another (Albany Type ) situation stretching eastward along Bay Street.

This idea seemed to have been rejected by the powers that be.

And so, the land owners, with both arms akimbo seem to be saying to the government: “Well you can’t tell us what to do with our property”. This, I am told, has created a stand-off.

Secondly, it is believed that some land owners are close friends and business partners with some members of the political directorate, on both sides. Now, paralysis has taken hold and the government is reluctant to ruffle feathers or lock horns over this issue.

In any event, the government must muster the intestinal fortitude or summon the courage to coerce or demand that these property owners demolish these dilapidated structures, save and except for those having some historical significance.

Barring that, let’s hope that these property owner would somehow be sucked into a vortex of guilt and shame and do the honourable thing. Downtown represents the heartbeat of industry and commerce and it is the seat of political power and governance.

It is our face to the outside world, and as such, it cries out for serious and urgent attention. Someone had to say it.



April 16, 2023.


truetruebahamian 1 year ago

Once the downtown is brought back to being acceptably clean, restored and replenished, the ccruise companies and other foreign heavyweights will absorb, overtake and dictate what happens business wise with these newly beautifully renovated properties and make them into the economic brothels of their own design. We must slap heavy rules, taxes on these mega companies and perhaps have armed NIB and VAT agents to monitor and scrutinise all of their businesses on every island, cay and port. And COLLECT or fine mercilessly. Easy and sensible solutions… you’re welcome!


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