Non-payment of gratuities

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I wish to bring to your attention a pressing matter that is negatively affecting the lives of hundreds of Bahamian workers in the ground transportation industry, which has been doing so for decades. Needless to say, as a worker in the industry it is near and dear to my heart as I am personally affected as a result of it. I speak of the widespread and nefarious practice by many ground transportation companies of billing their clients for gratuities (which rightly belong to the drivers/chauffeurs/tour professionals) and retaining most, and in some cases, all of these funds for themselves.

What makes this reality most egregious is that generally, the remuneration paid to these workers is pitifully low. In most cases, it is not far above minimum wage. If workers complain they are advised to find another job or worse, they are terminated.

It is hoped that shining a very bright light on this hidden tragedy will bring some relief to myself and my cohorts who have endured years of existing literally on the margins of quiet desperation in this country, which has so much to offer its citizens.



April 18, 2023.


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