WSC signs $3m industrial agreement with Bahamas Utility and Allied Workers Union

Minister of Works Alfred Sears (center) holds a copy of the $3m industrial agreement along with Dwayne Woods (right), president of the Bahamas Utility and Allied Workers union, which was signed between the union and Water and Sewerage Corporation yesterday.
Photo: Austin Fernander

Minister of Works Alfred Sears (center) holds a copy of the $3m industrial agreement along with Dwayne Woods (right), president of the Bahamas Utility and Allied Workers union, which was signed between the union and Water and Sewerage Corporation yesterday. Photo: Austin Fernander


Tribune Staff Reporter


A NEW $3m industrial agreement between the Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC) and the Bahamas Utility Services and Allied Workers Union (BUSAWU) will benefit 386 union members.

Officials said the agreement, which was signed yesterday, is a milestone for the union because its previous agreement expired on June 30, 2018.

They said the deal would increase allowances and allow for staff to receive four general increased increments over the period of July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2025.

It is unclear what else is new in the agreement because officials did not provide copies to the press.

In a statement yesterday, the BUSAWU said the Davis administration has proven “worker-friendly”.

“The signing of this industrial agreement between the Water and Sewerage Corporation and the Bahamas Utilities Services and Allied Workers Union today is a milestone accomplishment, and it is indicative of what can be produced once cohesive social partners communicate with the use of social dialogue,” said Dwayne Woods, BUSAWU’s president.

Mr Woods mentioned that the agreements make provisions for additional workers who will benefit from special skills allowances and allowances for exposure to adverse physical conditions.

Yesterday, Works and Utilities Minister Alfred Sears said negotiations for an industrial agreement involving the Water and Sewerage Management Union will conclude shortly. The latest agreement for that union expired on June 30, 2013.

Mr Sears said the new agreement would cover the 2022 to 2025 period.


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