Politcians, show your positions

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Lucifer is at work in our country. He has set out to destroy the traditional family and marriage between a man and a woman. We are in the process of importing the demonic values of North America and Europe. This I believe is the strategy. This demonic, satanic behaviour has infiltrated the pre-schools in America. It is only a matter of time before it lands at our doorstep in the next five to 10 years. Christianity is under attack.

America and Europe is on a crusade to force countries to accept the life-styles of transgenders gays and lesbians as an acceptable behaviour. President Joe Biden and his two percent of the US primaries vice president Kamala Harris is, in my opinion, hell-bent on mutilating the genders of children, all for the sake of holding onto power. We must push back! To bring it home, a popular bookstore is selling books teaching kids how to live this lifestyle.

We need the blood of Jesus to cover our children! I applaud the Jamaican government for not giving accreditation to this lifestyle, i.e., the recent US diplomats of same-sex marriage. We know their position.

I challenge the government and the official opposition and all members of parliament to articulate their position on these important matters:

a) Do you support the teaching of this lifestyle in our schools?

b) Do you support the mutilating of children’s genders?

c) Do you support same-sex marriage?

We are under attack. The moral integrity of our country is at stake. We need the government and the opposition to take a position and publicly state that position.



August 2, 2023.


mandela 10 months ago

Our spineless politicians are already in the USA's pocket and have no Christian balls, so yes, the Bahamas can look forward to the answer being yes to all of the above questions and concerns.


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