EDITORIAL: Mentality of our people in need of a course correction

THIS week, The Tribune is inviting a series of guest editorial writers to answer a single question - “What is one thing you would change?”

Today’s contributor is the Torchbearers Youth Association. Readers are invited to send their own suggestions to letters@tribunemedia.net.

We believe the Commonwealth of The Bahamas is in need of a cultural shift. We do not refer to Junkanoo, rake and scrape, regattas, or any colourful ways Bahamians express our heritage. However, we do suggest that the mentality of our people is in need of a course correction.

Our long-standing spirit of community is unfortunately disappearing; instead of thinking about what is best for all of us, too many prefer to “watch the road” and stay in our own lanes, and place emotional and humanitarian blinders on those in need.

The growth of social media has highlighted the separation we feel from each other as human beings. Our social ills are displayed daily as the latest viral video, this morning’s headline and tomorrow’s office gossip.

Violence against women/girls and between young men is steadily on the rise, which is particularly troubling for our organisation.

Though we did not live through “the good old days”, we are repeatedly told this is not how things always were in The Bahamas. If we can change our culture, perhaps we will see these things change as well.

We need strong Bahamians, persons of strong character who can uphold moral principles, act ethically, and display honesty, and compassion in all endeavours.

A people of strong character are disciplined, hard-working, charitable, and the envy of the world. By cultivating individual character, we benefit ourselves and contribute to a society that stands on a foundation of trust and respect.

In our pursuit of a cultural transformation, we must recognise that change takes time. We must each do our part. We envision a future where our nation’s people are highly regarded for their best qualities and not an avid display of shortcomings.

It's not about erasing our past or discarding our identity; it's about evolving our mindset to fulfill the true spirit of our national anthem.

“See how the world marks the manner of your bearing!”


JackArawak 8 months, 3 weeks ago

We need strong Bahamians, persons of strong character who can uphold moral principles, act ethically, and display honesty, and compassion in all endeavours.

This is who we need in Parliament. We need transparency and accountability. Currently we don't have that. I'm looking at you Phillip.


Bigrocks 8 months, 3 weeks ago

And maybe another 65+ members of parliament!


DiverBelow 8 months, 3 weeks ago

First off, stop codling those who break the laws, a gang style murder suspect, caught with gun in hand, should not be out on $2000 bail! It should be $20-30000 with mandatory 30 days in prison before it's available. Transparancy is not a bad word, it educates us on all aspects of societies workings, in government, in church, in education & most importantly In Politics. Minimum wage, should be a Liveable Wage, where you can DEMAND performance in the workplace. KISS rule, Keep It Simple, Stupid.


Maynergy 8 months, 1 week ago

EDITORIAL: Mentality of our people in need of a course correction

Maynergy: Which people are you all suggesting need course correction?

EDITORIAL: We believe the Commonwealth of The Bahamas is in need of a cultural shift. We do not refer to Junkanoo, rake and scrape, regattas, or any colourful ways Bahamians express our heritage. However, we do suggest that the mentality of our people is in need of a course correction.

Maynergy: After all the years of corrupting the people with limited news it did crack out the door for this level of discourse and civility.


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