Is our law enforcement impotent?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

In many churches over the air waves we are hearing the words of Christmas Carols proclaiming Peace On Earth, but doubt we will hear those sentiments on our streets — nearly 100 murders this year. We are no longer shocked...almost a daily occurrence and seems Law Enforcement totally impotent.

Commodore of RBDF says migrant activity in the north of the country has appreciably increased but that means the migrant sloops — go-fast boats pass under the eyes of RBDF Inagua and sail through the Bahamas unseen. Seems only when the US Coast Guard arrests we have any form of policing.

Headline Criminal granted Bail now applies to have that cancelled. He says ‘safer in jail!’ Where on God’s earth would you also hear that cry?

Conclusion failure, total failure daily one-two-three dead shot, is it time for location lockdowns with road blocks in the known crime areas? Crisis? No one, even the most profound politician, can continue to spin out of this...migrants seem to have free flow...criminal elements have created their own Justice system!



December 15, 2023.


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