No place for death threats

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am deeply concerned about the recent death threats against our Prime Minister. This behaviour is unacceptable and has no place in a civilised society. Threatening the life of a public official is a serious crime, and those responsible should be held accountable.

Moreover, I would like to call on all Bahamians to condemn the hate speech and inflammatory language used by Lincoln Bain. Such language only divides our nation and fosters a climate of fear and mistrust. As Bahamians, we must stand together to reject this hate and promote a culture of respect, tolerance, and unity.

We must remember that freedom of speech does not give anyone the right to spread hate or incite violence. We must also remember that our words have power and can significantly impact those around us.

Furthermore, it is crucial for our leaders and those in positions of power to set a positive example for the rest of society. When those in positions of power use inflammatory language and engage in hate speech, it sends a message that this behaviour is acceptable and normalises it for others to follow. Therefore, we must hold our leaders accountable for their actions and language and demand that they promote respect, tolerance, and unity.

In conclusion, as a society, we are responsible for protecting the safety and well-being of all individuals, including our elected officials. We must also strive to create a community where all individuals are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their beliefs or opinions. I urge all Bahamians to unite, stand up against hate and violence, and promote a culture of unity and peace.




February 5, 2023.


BMW 1 year, 3 months ago

Hate to break the news but we are not a civilized society!


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