Man to pay $1,000 fine for stolen iPhone


Tribune Court Reporter


A MAN was fined $1,000 in court yesterday after he admitted to illegally entering a woman’s home and stealing her iPhone.

Sterphron Fenelus, 25, appeared before Magistrate Algernon Allen, Jr, on charges of unlawful entry, stealing and receiving.

Between March 9 at 9pm and March 10 at 1am, Fenelus entered a residence on Podoleo Street. There it is said he stole a woman’s iPhone 11 which was valued at $600.

In court Fenelus pleaded guilty to the unlawful entry and stealing charges which resulted in the receiving charge being withdrawn.

He was fined $1,000 for the offence or risk six months in prison.

Fenelus is expected to pay half of his total fine before release.

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