Remittance tax would retain migrant benefits

Most of us will never be so vulnerable or desperate as to leave our birth country due to violence, crime and extreme poverty. Most of us empathise with the stories shared by the media that portray inhumane living conditions and a daily fight to survive in many lesser developing countries (LDCs). The issue of illegal Immigration is truly a test of humanity. But where do we draw the line? While it may be a hard pill to swallow, a line must be drawn. Haitians by far constitute the largest migrant community in The Bahamas. Haiti has an estimated population of over 11.5m and, every year, The Bahamas seemingly becomes home to more undocumented immigrants in search of a better life. Our governments, both past and present, have been generous enough to accommodate both illegal and legal migrants. But the rising costs of living, and lack of diversification in the Bahamian economy, simply do not allow for The Bahamas to be home to hundreds, let alone thousands, of illegal immigrants.

The cost of illegal Immigration

For a developed nation like the US, illegal immigrants and their own citizen children cost taxpayers an additional $12bn to $16.2bn annually in the provision of education, public services and incarceration after deducting all local, state and federal taxes they pay (Huddle, 1995). Economies of scale would give a different and far more precarious scenario for The Bahamas.

According to a survey released on Haitian migration to The Bahamas in 2006: “Haitian migrants are not well integrated into Bahamian society. Owing to low income levels, they make considerably more use of public than private healthcare and education services, while seeking help amongst themselves for other kinds of social support.” It is noted that an estimated 70,000 illegal immigrants, mainly from Haiti, currently live in The Bahamas. Some argue that this number is higher since there are many undocumented migrants who are not counted. But, whatever the true number may be, we do not have the economic and social means to sustain large numbers of illegal immigrants. A study has yet to be done to show the percentage of taxpayer dollars that goes towards covering illegal immigrants for displacement costs, public healthcare, labour markets and education services. It is also important that we capture some form of revenue from migrants who seek a better life in The Bahamas.

This can be done via a remittance tax, which is a percentage paid on a cash transfer made from one person to another outside residing outside The Bahamas. This would allows us to see the ratio between benefits given versus those gained by migrants - both legal and illegal. Outside of breaking Immigration laws, the presence of illegal immigrants also has a negative effect on employment for Bahamian workers. This is not to say that immigrants who come to The Bahamas are all free loaders. Many Haitians are very dedicated workers. You may find that immigrants tend not to have inflated egos about the type of work they are able to find. Nonetheless, it does not change the affect it has on the Bahamian to foreign labour ratio. Bahamians are skilled in many blue collar jobs, but illegal and legal migrants are allowed to work in industries that seek to minimise costs for a larger profit. This is one of the reasons why illegal Immigration becomes complex because it is an unspoken convenience for those that benefit from it. We are a part of the problem.

Profit sideways

It is no secret that the fuel keeping the engine of illegal Immigration going is provided by some of our very own Bahamians. Have you ever wondered why some shanty towns return after a “raid”? Who are some of the captains or negotiators organising fleets from Haiti into our waters? Illegal Immigration is a business, and its model has been around for many years. It is no surprise that many seek temporary or permanent refugee in The Bahamas due to its proximity to the US. While this may be a lucrative business, it is a dangerous one that epitomises the highest form of corruption and disservice to Bahamians. There are better, safer and more humane ways to assist refugees.

The National Development Plan

The National Development Plan (NDP) has provided a strategy for improving Immigration policy. While more can be done to make conditions more humane for those entering the country illegally, it is important for our country to focus on Immigration policies that encourage the best global minds to live and work in The Bahamas in a manner which promotes prosperity for both the country and its citizens. Like many other countries, Immigration policies are centred around bringing in expatriates who can fill jobs, create new industries and offer new skill-sets. Even among those who are illegal immigrants, there are programmes put in place to ensure respect for human rights and protection for refugees. These programmes even allow for illegal immigrants to be properly documented and assessed for the opportunity to receive residency. To strengthen Immigration legislation, the NDP has provided several options to address these matters, such as:

  • A structured and clear detention policy, plus procedures for handling detained migrants

  • Enforcement of fines against airlines transporting illegal migrants into the country

  • An increase in social cohesion within communities

  • A clear and equitable policy on addressing refugee matters


In conclusion, our country is doing the best it can to help others in need while building a better Bahamas. But we have our limits. We simply do not have the resources, funds and infrastructure in place to grant residency to every illegal immigrant or budget more for displacement costs for thousands of illegal immigrants when our very own Bahamian women and children are subject to extreme poverty. It is not fair. Our country has its own issues as it relates to a high debt to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio, high crime, high unemployment and little-to-no opportunity outside of tourism and financial services despite being independent since 1973. If we cannot resolve our own issues among ourselves, imagine adding burdens caused by undocumented migrants or stateless individuals. Unfortunately, we need to regain balance for the sake of our own humanity.

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