Bail denied for man accused of stealing and receiving


Tribune Court Reporter


A MAN was denied bail after he was accused in a series of car and auto part thefts on Friday.

Jason Jacques, 30, appeared before Assistant Chief Magistrate Subusola Swain on charges of stealing and receiving. Jacques, along with Nesley Tilme, faced a shared charge of unlawful possession.

On April 30 in New Providence it is alleged that Jacques stole a black 2012 Nissan Note belonging to Pandora Forbes. This vehicle was valued at $5,000.

Then on May 2 at the Mall at Marathon both defendants are alleged to have had nine stolen hubcaps without being able to give officers a satisfactory account of how they got them.

While Jacques pleaded not guilty to all charges against him, Tilme pleaded guilty to the unlawful possession charge.

Tilme was sentenced to prison for the offence.

After being informed that his bail had been denied Jacques was also told of his right to reapply for it through the higher court. Until such time that it is granted he will also be sent to prison.

The trial in this matter is set for May 25.

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