BOY: IMMIGRATION TOOK MY MUMMY – Twelve-year-old tells how siblings left to fend for themselves after raid

The Kool Acres shanty town. Photo: Moise Amisial

The Kool Acres shanty town. Photo: Moise Amisial


Tribune Staff Reporter


A 12-year-old boy and his two siblings are fending for themselves after immigration officers apprehended their mother while posting eviction notices in the Kool Acres shanty town on Monday.

Clifton Charite last saw his mother Monday morning before school, unaware of the grown-up role he would soon be forced to play.

“They tell us my mummy get catch from the immigration,” he said yesterday, bowing his head. “Then we been to the police station. They said we needed her papers, but when we gone back for it, they said she owe too much papers and they can’t let her out.”

The young boy bounced a white ball between rundown buildings when The Tribune visited the shanty town yesterday. Three women were cooking food under the hot sun nearby. Two other women were washing their clothes in buckets.

 “We ain’t get no money,” Clifton said, explaining why he and his siblings had not attended school in three days.

 He said their mother would usually give them lunch and bus funds. Their father died years ago.

 The siblings were among numerous school-aged children playing in the shanty town rather than attending classes, their smiles belying their precarious situation.

 The neighbours who stepped up to help them have problems of their own to worry about: Authorities disseminated eviction notices in Kool Acres and All Saints Way on Monday, demanding they destroy their dwellings within 28 days as part of the government’s latest attempt to debase shanty towns throughout the country.

Jose Josue, a mother of two and a 17-year resident of the property, said she ran in the bush when she saw the immigration officers.

The Ministry of Works vowed on Tuesday to reach the “highest level of humanity and dignity” during the eviction process, but Ms Josue said officers used hammers to break into homes. She said residents claimed some people were beaten and slapped. She said the father of her children, a crucial financial supporter, was detained.

Juliane Olibrice, a mother of six whose house burned down in the shanty town in August, said she hopes the government reconsiders its demands. 

“I don’t have any money to build my own home yet,” she said, holding her baby as her eyes welled. “Even I was hoping somebody was going to help me build it back. Now we can’t do nothing anymore because they said they are going to break it.”

“I don’t work. I have six children. You see, today they are home because they aren’t going to school. I don’t have money.”

“I just want to know if they could change their mind because plenty of people, we don’t have nowhere to go.”

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Works said it would work with partners in the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Department of Social Services and reach out to “each household within unregulated communities to determine household make-up and needs.”

“Given that some existing residents within these communities will need to resettle/relocate into regulated housing, the Unregulated Communities Action Task Force (UCATF) is seeking to identify potential rental units in New Providence and all islands where unregulated communities exist,” the ministry said.

In May, Chief Justice Ian Winder ordered the demolition of two shanty town structures, far fewer than the 260-plus the administration wanted destroyed. This forced the Davis administration to rely on the minister of works to initiate a process under the Buildings Regulation Act.

However, the administration has said little about holding the landlords who facilitate the spread of unregulated communities accountable.

Kool Acres residents said they give money to the property owner: $50, $20, or whatever they have when he comes around.

They said they didn’t know the owner’s name but described him as the man who likes money.


bahamianson 7 months, 4 weeks ago

Juliane, a mother of 6, said she doesn't have money to build her home, yet. She is living in a shanty town with 6 children. This presents problems on many fronts. Does she have a.job? If so, she cannot support 6 children. Who pays for health care? Who pays for school? Who pays for school supplies? Who pays for uniforms for 6 children? Who pays for lunch for 6 children? How can she protect 6 children from the demons that are out there? Who buys iPhone for them? Who buys clothes for them? She opens her female children to prostitution and older married men. She does the same to her male children. The male and female kids are now prone to commit crime to live. Unfortunately, this is apart of our society and is prevalent in the majority of communities. The government needs to get the public schools on board. We need to reach out young boys and girls, otherwise this will be a hamster wheel. The tax payer has to foot the bill. Single men and women whom work must foot the bill for the mother and 6 children.


BMW 7 months, 4 weeks ago

It's all about the education, unfortunately the people have been dumbed down since independence.


birdiestrachan 7 months, 4 weeks ago

Shanty towns are wrong . ,The bleeding hearts do not even want stores in their neighbours hoods why is it all right for persons over the hill why not shanty towns on the easter or western roads


TalRussell 7 months, 4 weeks ago

We respond more to those who meet our needs. --- Others work hard at pushing down Haitian communities that make them feel like they're not a part of local scenery in one of the Caribbean's most ethnically diverse of the colonies? ---- Shouldn't, all popoulaces, be encouraged to head to those friendly neighbourhood stores and businesses that are spearheaded by their own kind comrade entrepreneurs'. --- Yes?


GodSpeed 7 months, 4 weeks ago

Blame "Mummy" for being an idiot and having numerous kids she can't provide for in a country where she has no legal status. As long as uneducated and completely destitute people like them are allowed to reproduce unchecked within Bahamian borders this country is certainly doomed. How stupid you have to be to live in complete poverty and reproduce to create more suffering. But I guess they're used to doing that by looking at where they come from.


John 7 months, 4 weeks ago

Your denegrading response is always on point.NOT! But being the X Pert you are on social dysfunction, then maybe you can explain why all the curbs and sidewalks of many major cities in the US are populated, no now littered, with homeless, people. Some drug addicts and abusing other substances but most have more than an average education and at, some point held high profile and high paying jobs. Some ( many) serving in the military and doing service overseas. And most have two kids or less, if any.. A US version of the local Shantytown problem.


GodSpeed 7 months, 4 weeks ago

It's because of bleeding hearts like you, only the American sort. Democrat and Liberal idiots. They're the ones that refuse to let the US border become secure, which allows massive amounts of fentanyl and other opioids to flood their country. Not to mention never ending hordes of uneducated illegals coming to get free handouts and breed children they can't take care of just like what happens here. I'm sure it'll end well. 😊


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