New day, but same old politics

EDITOR, The Tribune.

If the UBP got together back in the ol’ days on Saturday mornings to have boil fish, stew fish, johnny cake and grits, with bush tea, and dem udder fellas do da same tings deez days, that doesn’t mean that dey is UBP. Or, does it? If that is not a good analogy of our political system and governance for several generations, then someone should help me to see the difference between the old days and the new days. We doing the same things, using different skin colours, different party colours, and different rhetoric, but having the same effects, then calling it progressive movement.

Has the establishment of party politics, Majority Rule, and Independence brought real positive changes to either the political system or Bahamians in general? Could we not at least have advanced to the point where constituencies selected their candidates, instead of a party hierarchy? Could we not insist that chosen candidates/representatives be residents in “their constituencies”? Could not constituencies’ plans and national plans be clearly outlined, so that Bahamians have an opportunity to mark the “report cards” of governance and representation - perhaps, with their “X”? Otherwise, ‘whatever buck up goes’ will be the order of the day, the years, election cycles, on and on... We can hold our heads, beat up our gums, and chase our tails ad infinitum, even up to the time we get ready to celebrate 100 years as an Independent Bahamas - with the same ol’, same ol’!

Criticising, throwing rock, fantasising, suggesting ideals are not my aims or objectives as I quietly observe our Bahamas today. Believe me, I try to hold back my opinions to myself, especially as these tribal political wars continue to rage around us. But, as I inhale some of the growing toxic stench in the air, it’s necessary to exhale and vent just a little. Therefore, I beg your indulgence in receiving this little abbreviated scribble, which I consider a therapy of sorts. I may not have the right answers or even the right questions. Still, the same ol’, same ol’ is definitely not the way to go!



October 23, 2023


mandela 7 months, 1 week ago

Different players, same game.


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