Woman claims she stabbed former lover with a knife in self-defence


Tribune Staff Reporter


A WOMAN testified yesterday that she stabbed her former lover last year because he tried to force his way into her home.

Rachel Johnson, 23, is facing a charge of causing grievous harm.

She allegedly stabbed Shadrack Gibson with a knife around 1.30am on June 19, 2023 at her residence in Cambridge Street. 

The man sustained serious injuries, but was successfully treated in hospital.

Ms Johnson said on the night of the incident, Mr Gibson came to her house uninvited and asked her to come by him later.

 She said when she refused, the complainant “yucked up” on her clothes and tried to get into the house. She claimed a fight followed between the two, which Mr Gibson initiated after punching her in the eye.

 She said she grabbed a knife from a counter and stabbed the complainant. She told Assistant Chief Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans the complainant continued hitting and overpowering her.

 She said Mr Gibson was a former sexual partner, but the two were never in a relationship. She also said she believed he arrived that night to try and have sex with her.

 When Magistrate Vogt-Evans informed the defendant that Mr Gibson claimed that she stabbed him because she was jealous that he had a girlfriend, she said she was not jealous.

 She claimed she had photos of her eye in the aftermath of the altercation.

 After viewing the photos on the defendant’s phone, dated June 19 and 21, 2023, Magistrate Vogt Evans said she saw nothing wrong with her eye. Ms Johnson responded that there was swelling and bruising.

 The magistrate told the defendant she must bring printed and signed copies of the photos in her next court appearance.

 The trial continues on May 23.


bahamianson 3 months, 1 week ago

Ok he was giving her more money than services provided. If he spent a lot of money on her , he would assume that anytime he pulled uo, he should be serviced. She wasnt having it tonight , and he got made and punch3d her in the eye. She wasnt giving any that night. She stabs him.

stillwaters 3 months, 1 week ago

What the....say he was a former sexual partner, but never in a relationship......so I'm guessing he was a customer. Sounds like he fell in love with a hooker........poor thing.

bahamianson 3 months, 1 week ago

Also, we need to ban knives . Knife violence , like gun viol3nce is not good.

bahamianson 3 months, 1 week ago

Lover is someone you love, sex between fri3nds....I mean acquaintences is another. These two did not love each other, so you headline is deceitful. They exchanges sex , probably for money because she needs to put her children through high school. She has to do what she has to do.

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