Govt announces partnership for downtown WiFi coverage

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investment and Aviation Chester Cooper during a press conference to announce a partnership between the ministry and Aliv on Wednesday. Photo: Dante Carrer

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investment and Aviation Chester Cooper during a press conference to announce a partnership between the ministry and Aliv on Wednesday. Photo: Dante Carrer

A WiFi zone that runs from Arawak Cay to the Sir Sidney Poitier Bridge is on the way through a partnership between Aliv, the Department of Information and Communications Technology and the Ministry of Tourism, officials announced yesterday.

The groups signed a three-year agreement to launch a “smart cruise port.”

Officials said the installation process began yesterday and is expected to be completed in the second quarter of this year.

“The plan is to establish a WiFi zone at the Nassau Cruise Port and the environs outside of the port as far west as Arawak Cay and as far east as the Sir Sidney Poitier Bridge,” the Ministry of Tourism said in a statement. “The overall aim of this innovative project is to enable The Bahamas to more efficiently capitalise on the untapped economic potential of cruise tourism.”

The Davis administration has pledged to expand internet access.

Through the Governor General’s Speech from The Throne in October, the administration vowed to provide low-income communities with free internet access to, among other things, ensure students can access the internet.

The government had previously pledged to install free WiFi in at least two parks in every constituency in the country.

The WiFi provided Downtown will not be free. 

Minister of Tourism, Investments & Aviation Chester Cooper said the smart zone is a “timely, futuristic project” that aims to harness the power of technology in service to our number one industry in the heart of our capital city where our cruise port welcomes on average 12,000 10 15,000 cruise visitors on a daily basis.”

“The tripartite collaboration between the Ministry of Tourism, Investments & Aviation, Aliv/Cable Bahamas and the Department of Information and Communications Technology brings about the installation of the most up-to-date internet infrastructure in our city centre,” he said. “This technology will facilitate seamless connectivity that will allow us to collect key data on the thousands of cruise guests to our city, so that we can more efficiently enhance their experience of our city.”

The ministry said installing “smart city” infrastructure at Nassau Cruise Port and in the downtown area “will enable the collection of data on the likes and desires of visitors, in real-time, to optimise marketing efforts for greater economic impact and content development.”

“The instant access to connectivity in the city will encourage greater numbers of cruise passengers to disembark and do more online sharing of their Bahamas experience.”


concernedcitizen 5 months, 1 week ago

Most tourist come w a roaming plan on their phone ,,why are they going to pay for wifi

ExposedU2C 5 months, 1 week ago

Cooper said. “This technology will facilitate seamless connectivity that will allow us to collect key data on the thousands of cruise guests to our city, so that we can more efficiently enhance their experience of our city.”

This is what totalitarian surveillance governments do.......they collect your key data to share with all of the other totalitarian governments around the world today.

bahamianson 5 months, 1 week ago

That gal is smiling a little too sweet at Chester.

concernedcitizen 5 months, 1 week ago

They smiling bc they cutting the cake.

realfreethinker 5 months, 1 week ago

rumor has it that they "know" each other wink wink

concernedcitizen 5 months, 1 week ago

that means she gets a piece of the cake too

trueBahamian 5 months, 1 week ago

The great tourism idea is wifi? Lol. Lol. Lol. We have tons of things to do to improve out tourism product and the genius plan is charging for wifi downtown. Lol. Is this guy serious? We have derelict buildings stretching for about a mile. We have stray dogs, homeless people, roads with potholes, traffic lights that don't work, historical sites in disrepair, basically zero true Bahamian stores and the grand idea is wifi? And this ladies and gentlemen is your tourism minister. Lol. Time for all of us with the resources to move to another country.

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