Bahamas Bodybuilding, Wellness and Fitness Federation making strides

BAHAMAS BODYBUILDING, Wellness and Fitness Federation’s treasurer Madeline Nesbitt and president
Wellington Sears paid a courtesy call on Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Mario Bowleg and Kelsie Johnson-Sills, director of sports.

BAHAMAS BODYBUILDING, Wellness and Fitness Federation’s treasurer Madeline Nesbitt and president Wellington Sears paid a courtesy call on Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Mario Bowleg and Kelsie Johnson-Sills, director of sports.


OLYMPIAN CARL OLIVER, BBWFF’s assistant treasurer.


Senior Sports Reporter


SINCE returning to office as president of the Bahamas Bodybuilding, Wellness and Fitness Federation, Wellington “Cat” Sears said they have made some strides, but there’s still a lot more work ahead of them.

On Monday, Sears and his treasurer Madeline Nesbitt paid a courtesy call on Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Mario Bowleg, along with director of sports Kelsie Johnson-Sills.

“So far, so good. We are making tremendous progress,” Sears said.

“We have been able to appoint some individuals in key positions and everybody is on board. We have added some things to our agenda of events for the year. This weekend, the federation will be in Grand Bahama with the view of trying to re-establish the Grand Bahama Bodybuilding Association. Hopefully, they will be able to hold their elections during the Northern Bahamas Championships on June 15.

“They haven’t had an association for over six years in Grand Bahama, so we’re bringing that back on board,” Sears said. “We hope to appoint a group of individuals to oversee the affairs of the association until we have the elections.

“At the same time, we are working on establishing associations in North Andros and Long Island. We want to get as many associations formed so that we can truly function and operate as a federation.”

Joining Sears and Nesbitt on the executive board, which was elected to serve for the next four years a few weeks ago, are Keith Cox as vice president and Zenetta Cambridge-Davis as secretary general.

Appointed to serve are Ingrid Bain as the executive assistant, Olympic quarter-miler Carl Oliver as assistant treasurer, Rashad Cunningham as assistant secretary, Nadie Vanderpool as the athletes’ representative, Superintendent Alvin Abury as sergeant-at-arms and Christipher McQueen, Donovan McKenzie and Timothy Rolle as assistant sergeant-at-Arms.

Others are Charles Sealy as chief judge and Chevsughann Roker as the assistant chief judge, Leonardo Dean as team manager and Raymond Tucker as national coach and Jason Johnson as chairperson of media/fundraising. “As with any new organisation, you will have one or two drawbacks and pitfalls where you have persons elected, but they don’t want to work,” he stated.

“We are a non-profit organisation, so we really can’t force anyone to work.”

Sears, who previously served as president from 1991-2001, said there is a need to host a junior bodybuilding championship as they encourage more participants to get involved.

He replaced Joel Stubbs, who didn’t seek another term in office.

The list of activities on the federation’s agenda are as follows:

Car wash - March 22 and April 20.

Annual Fun Run/Walk - April 20.

Raffle - May 10.

Bahamas Novice Championships - May 25.

Fitness Fair - June 18.

Northern Bahamas Championships - June 15.

Bahamas Fitness Games and National Championships - June 22. Central American and Caribbean Bodybuilding Championships - July 25-29.

Miami Grand Prix - October 19.

Awards night and fitness ball - November or December.


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