FNM needs to get act together

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IF the scuttlebutt is to be believed and the prime minister is getting ready to “ring the bell”, I hope my comrades in the Free National Movement are making good strides to get their act together to properly fight this election.

I say hope, because it seems that the party has not recovered from the flogging we received in 2021 and that was an early election called by us or should I say by the incompetent authority. And no, I am not beating a dead horse to say we were led to a humiliating defeat by the hard headed non consulting leader and prime minister, Dr Hubert Minnis.

Non consulting because among other things, both the former chairman and the former election coordinator, will tell you to this day that they found out about the date of the September 2021 General Election when everyone else in the country did.

We must get our act together because it appears that the former leader and his rabid supporters, who have taken on the role of pesky minions hell bent on disrupting the agenda of the party as articulated by the leader are not prepared to bend to the will of the people. Michael Pintard was duly elected to lead the FNM but either directly or indirectly Dr Minnis has done his best to be the epitome of sour grapes.

There are no better examples of this minion hood than the vice chairman Richard Johnson and pesky political gadfly Omar Archer. Johnson had to be silenced and restrained by the courts for his unseemly and disruptive behavior. I understand Omar has now officially joined the PLP and good riddance!

Whatever their reason, many supporters, financial and otherwise, are still offended by the high handed manner in which they were treated and insist that they will not participate in the affairs of the FNM if there is a scintilla of possibility that Dr Minnis could again be the leader.

According to my sources, while he is out promoting his book, for which I congratulate him, Dr Minnis is campaigning to return as leader instead of telling his people to stand down and continue to rebuild the party that he single handedly almost destroyed. The height of ingratitude to the organisation that made it possible for his to sit in the highest office in the land!!

Unfortunately for my beloved party, Loretta Butler Turner was right when she warned that Dr Minnis was unfit to be leader. We don’t need his distractions with the PLP abusing the trust of the Bahamian people each day God sends. Lying about BPL and BAMSI, spending the people’s money traveling all over the world without any accountability, refusing to answer questions or follow the law and reveal who they are giving contracts to.

My hope is all FNM’s, especially Dr Minnis, would use this Easter season for reflection and determine whether or not they are doing those things necessary for our beloved party to return to government.




February 25, 2024.


themessenger 2 months, 3 weeks ago

As the saying goes Mr. Roker, Hope springs eternal. However, if I was a betting individual, my money would be on Dr. Minnis playing spoiler until the bitter end or unless he manages to oust Pintard by more "conventional" methods.


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