Baker, Wilson and Darville sign with Boston Red Sox

Tavano Baker, Edwin Darville and Trent Wilson have signed with the Boston Red Sox.
Photo by Dante Carrer

Tavano Baker, Edwin Darville and Trent Wilson have signed with the Boston Red Sox. Photo by Dante Carrer


Tavano Baker and Prime Minister Philip "Brave" Davis. Photo: Dante Career


Trent Wilson and Prime Minister Philip "Brave" Davis. Photo: Dante Career


Edwin Darville and Prime Minister Philip "Brave" Davis. Photo: Dante Career


Tribune Staff Reporter


Three Bahamian teenagers signed a contract with the Boston Red Sox yesterday, bringing them one step closer to furthering their baseball careers.

Tavano Baker, Edwin Darville and Trent Wilson - all age 17 - inked the deal in front of their close friends and loved ones during a special signing at the Office of the Prime Minister yesterday.

Baker, who grew up in Sandilands Village, expressed gratitude to the baseball team for helping to make his dreams come true.

He also thanked his family and coach for their support.

“At seven years old, I learned to play baseball at the back of a churchyard. Me and my grandfather and my cousin. Papi, he taught me the basic fundamentals of baseball. I’d like to thank my mom for always being there for me and for being my rock. I love you,” Baker said.

Next to sign was Darville, from Nassau Village, who offered brief but similar remarks.

“I just say thank you,” he added.

Meanwhile, Wilson - the last teenager to sign - had this advice for aspiring professional baseball players: “Stay focused and be humble and always smile.”

Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis, who’s an avid fan of the sport, congratulated the teenagers on their accomplishments and wished them well in their careers.

“I’m so proud and appreciative of what we’re doing,” Mr Davis said.

“With all the distractions we’re having in our community today, the young men seemingly lost and engaged in so much senseless and dysfunctional behaviour, it’s always good to see a young man…that we could hold up to see that there is a better way and there is a way that we can all be contributing to our society and doing well.”

“And what is very important in this signing and…that is these are young men, they still have their educational pursuits ahead of them.

“And I’m advised and I’m happy to know that apart of this signing contract guarantees them a university scholarship (so) at the end of their playing days, they can better equip themselves for the world.”

He encouraged the young men to remain focused and dedicated, advising that it will pay off later.

Prime Minister Davis also thanked Freedom Farm Baseball League for “continuing to bring young men together and giving them purpose and something to strive for.”

Boston’s Bahamian agent Dominique Collie was also present for the signing, welcoming the young men to the Red Sox organisation.


mandela 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Great, Awesome guys, these young men needs to be paraded through out the country and mainly in their respective communities to show exactly what could happen for them also as young men when you stay focus and work at it, the government needs to bring them and other young like men making such positive moves into the schools starting from primary to try and to inspire, a program that happens throughout the year and not just a one time showing.


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