BDSA president calls for a special building for people with Down Syndrome



THE Bahamas Down Syndrome Association (BDSA) president is advocating for a specially designated building for people with Down syndrome so they can have someplace to go and not be stuck at home.

Betty Taylor’s comments yesterday came as World Down Syndrome Day is being recognised today.

She and others sat in the gallery of the House of Assembly yesterday as their contributions were recognised.

People with Down syndrome are born with 47 chromosomes, whereas the average person is born with 46.

Ms Taylor noted that those with Down syndrome are affected in various ways, including through speech impediments, impaired cognitive functioning and diminished sight.

“Some of them can go out to work if they are trained properly,” she noted. “My son goes to work, so we know it’s possible, so that’s why we are fighting to make their lives better and for you to come out to meet them and realise there’s no difference.”

“If you get to know them, you would be stronger, you would be a better person for getting to know a person with a disability.”

She said a building would help people with Down syndrome.

“I know a 50-year-old who’s stuck at home,” she said. “When I picked him up the other day, his mum said, ‘Now you get a break from me, and I have a break from you’, so that’s what we need for them to be out in the public.”

“They can learn skills, probably fold towels for the hotel, and make a little bit of money or something.”


birdiestrachan 4 months ago

They deserve all the help that they can get. I WISH THEM ALL THE BEST God loves them

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