Monatgue will miss Jessie Emmanuel

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A special memorial service was held at the Montagu Beach and Park for Mr Jessie Emmanuel in front of the Fort where he sat each morning.

Mr Jessie Emmanuel was for many years a faithful and important member of the Montague Beach & park Community. Jessie was by all measures an unsung hero. 

He would arrive early every morning, set out his towel in front of Fort Montague and begin to interact with other members of the community, be they friend, family or stranger.

Jessie was a kind, quiet man always willing to lend a hand to support anyone in need. 

You see, the hundreds of walkers, joggers, swimmers, fitness-trainers and their clients, vagrants and homeless, photo-takers, sunrise watchers or sundown romantics, and the tourists that enjoy beaching it together support Montague Beach and Park and its fragile environment. Together they form a vital team of protectors for this JEM that many call the Montague Beach Park. 

They share their views, their music, salutations as well as their concerns about the issues that continue to face Montague Beach its historic fort and green spaces.

They unselfishly and consistently support the dunes, the beach and the overall environment with their varied skills and reminders to policymakers. 

For example, two of his family members continued to daily troll the beach and collect the garbage and detritus off the ocean that otherwise would be unattended.

They espouse o’down home values in their good morning and good evening greetings. They capture their memories with their cell phones and at times comment on others who do not know, or care to share the traditional greetings customary to our people and culture.

While Jessie left this world, it was while he was at this, His special place that he loved so much, while practicing his ingrained belief to love and help others wherever and whenever he could.

In that simple task of helping to change a tire for another he quietly passed away just being Jessie!

Jessie will always be a symbol for all those who are committed to making things better for the tens of thousands who reap the benefits of their volunteerism at the Montague Beach- Park every day without even a thought to themselves. 

As two ambulances and police officers arrived and the doctor attempted to revive Jessie, there was a quiet, prayerful throng who hoped, wept, and mourned for this Giant of a man. Others, yet coming to terms with his passing seemed to be grateful for being with him in his special place one last time.

Perhaps his passing will motivate others to make the Montague Beach park experience all that it could be and so much more. 



May 13, 2024.

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