American man charged with indecent exposure


Tribune Staff Reporter


AN AMERICAN man was denied bail yesterday after he was accused of indecently assaulting and exposing himself to a woman earlier this week.

Assistant Chief Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans charged Michael Beauregard, 57, of Fort Lauderdale, with indecent assault, indecent exposure and assault.

Beauregard allegedly indecently assaulted and exposed himself to a woman in New Providence on May 14. That day, he allegedly assaulted a man as well.

After the defendant pleaded not guilty to the charges, prosecutor Inspector S Coakley objected to his bail, calling the American a potential flight risk. Inspector Coakley also said the accused is a boat captain.

Beauregard will remain on remand at the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services until his trial begins on July 4. 

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