

Dorine Mary Jean Cooper

unknown - unknown

Funeral service for
Matriarch Dorine Mary Jean Cooper age 67

of Washington Street will be held at Christian Life Church, Sea Breeze Lane on Saturday December 6th at 11:00 a.m. Officiating will be Pastor Nelson Strachan assisted by Min. J. Simms. Interment will follow in Woodlawn Gardens Cemetery.

Her families who are eternally grateful for the precious times they shared with Dorine include her husband: Ralph Cooper; Children: Glenda, Rosa, Deidre, Cranston (Ava), and Chadston Cooper (Lucy); Adopted son: Anthony Rolle and Demetrius Clarke; Adopted daughter: Stephanie Minns; Grand Children: Ravello (Dena Hanna), Ravardo, Ravano, Ravargo Lightbourne, Janae Cooper, Jakeil Kemp, Audie Murphy, Zion Adams, Tenaj Cooper and Crantish Cooper; Great grandchildren:
Ravano Jr and Relliah Lightbourne; Aunts: Dell Butler, Elease Knowles, Verna Douglas; Uncles: Holland Smith; Nieces: Irene Rolle, Debbie-Mae Wilson, Theresa Smith and Sophia Laing, Prescola, Naomi Cumberbatch, Valderine Cooper, Janet Mackey, Deanne Cooper, Marjorie Cooper; Nephews: Michael and Minister Randy Smith; Great-grand nieces and nephews: (All; too numerous to mention); Cousins:
Jenny (deceased) Stephanie, Deborah, Naomi, Ruth, Elizabeth, Angela, Rosie, Christine, Eleanor, Martha, Mary, Faye, Joan, Lisa, Elizabeth, Linda, Eloise, Evelyn, Kim, Tiffany, Nora, Bridgette, Michelle, Staff Nurse Kayla, Sandra, Hollie, Catherine and Tanya Children of the late Beulah Smith and Family,  Charlotte, Logan, Betty Miller, Agnes Miller, Rosie, Sheila and Family, Loretta Smith, Clilfton “World” Smith, Wilfred, Cresville, Eric, Anthony (deceased), Charles, Tyrone, Joseph, (deceased), Glen, Michael Douglas, Leonard Douglas, Wilshire, Allan, Cedric “Boy”, Ricardo, Anthony, Carl Smith, Sargeant 1254 Kirk Douglas, Kevin, Steven, Lavardo, Leonardo, Lilamae, Jack, Terry, Rev Vaughn Miller, Dewitt Miller (deceased), Conrad Miller, Laurette Rolle, Pastor Etta Miller, Tony Miller and Hilbert Richards; Other Relatives & Friends including: Zerma Carey and the Lightbourne Family, Judy Fox and Family, Ruby Cambridge and Family, Arnett Rahming and Family, Hazel Mackey, Tina Young and Family, Charles, Lisa Young and Family, Donna and Family, Virgie, Chris and Family, Roland and Melanie Bridgewater and Family, Melvina and Family, Helena and Family, Larine Adams and Family, Reggie Dames and Family, Nurse Neilla Dames and Family, Sheila Rolle and Family, Lawrence Rolle and Family, Jestina Lockhart and Family, Alvin Paul and Family, Lionel Evans and Family, Donnie Brennen and Family, Fredricka Ewing and Family, Tyrone Miller and Family, Hardy Miller and Family, The RT Honorable Leslie Miller and Family, Sharon Morley and Family, Bennett and Alva Knowles and Family, Cassie and Carinthia Smith, Francis Marshall and Family, Franklyn and George Rolle, Patrick Goffe, Della McClain, The Family of Olga Moncur (deceased), Andrew McKenzie, Bradlisha Bridgewater, Lorenze Curtis, Cortez Jolly and Dominic Moss, Tanya Rodgers and Family, Elsa Carey and Family, Vernita Black and Family, Shaniqua Gordon and Family, Freda Smith and Family, Mablelyn Miller and Family, Annie Smith and Family, Toya Miller and Family, Candice Nixon and Family, Tamika Roberts and Family, Franklyn Brice and Family, Gloria Henfield and Family, The Richards Family, Gloria Ramsey and Family, Joyce Turnquest and Family, Jacqueline Brown and Family, Gloria and Roshan and Family, Mackey Family, Morley Family, Butler Family, Pastor Floyd Miller, Patricia and Kayla Lightbourne, Queeny, Plumie, Cedric Saunders, Rupert Mackey, Christine Smith, Gladys Knowles, Elva Moxey and Family, Alice Ferguson and Family, Karen and Thomas Minns and Family, Patricia, Harold and  Kevin Jolly and Family, Philip and Leeann Major and Family, Playdell Newton, Florence Sturrup and Family, and Delvano Archer, Goffe Family, Sturrup Family, Clara Cartwright and Family, Brian Riley and Family, Philip Major and Family, Monique Cooper and Family, Leslie Williams and Family, Thompson Family, Dwight Williams and Sonia Timothy, Deon and Donna Wright, Jeansius Sainthelhomme and Family,  Michael Miller, Sacha and Family, RT. Honorable Perry Gladstone Christie, Glenys Hanna Martin and Family, Hon. Philip Galanis and Family, Lady Darling and Family, Denise, Tasha, George, Dianne, Gladys and Family, Harry and Eugene Collie, Barbara, Sonia the entire Englerston PLP Family, Dr. Holiday and Family, The entire Englerston PLP Family, Washington Street and Englerston Community, Terry Styles and Family, Nurse woods and Family, Nurse Butler and Family, Dr. Butler, Dr. Holiday, along with the nursing staff of Gynae ward and Dr. Christmas and the staff of the Intensive Care Unit. Jessica Bethel and Family, Lynette Neely and Family, Mr. Stephen Greenslade and Family, Acting Post Master General Ms. Debbie Pennerman, Security Staff, Janitorial Staff, Registry Staff and all Management and Staff of the General Post Office, ICS Security staff, Jessie Kemp and Family, Hazel Seymour and Family, Taba Styles, Shaniqua Perez, Elena Black, Michael Mott, David Bullard, Trevor Bullard, Samuel Higgs, Craig Deveaux, Kiwanis Club of New Providence. 

Friends may pay their respect at Demeritte's Funeral Home Market St on Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Saturday at the church from 10:00 a.m. until service time.