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HarryBlack 10 years, 9 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

The same way you can sue your MP or the government, while still living in The Bahamas.

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HarryBlack 10 years, 9 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

The difference with enslavement by Arabs or enslavement by Africans of Africans, is that those slave masters/traders did not compensate the individual slave owners at emancipation. (The European governments essentially said, "we are so sorry we have to free your workers, here's 20 million dollars.") In other words, the crime of the European governments is better documented and more recent in time. Consequently, the case that reparations are owed from said European governments, is easier to prove in a court of law today. If a case that documented the damages of others, from other periods of time could be put together and be as strong as the case against the European governments, it would. However, what I see happening with some of these comments amounts to an attempt to detract from the obvious fact that the Europeans were the only ones stupid enough to leave such a clear paper trail of their wrongdoings, affording Caricom the opportunity it has today. I say sue the living @!#? out of them...

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HarryBlack 10 years, 9 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

Yes they should be.

If it can be proven in a court that the sons or daughters of a tief are well off because of their parents thievery, then the descendants of the victims who never got justice, should be able to recover damages in court.

Under no circumstance should wrongful gain be washed clean by the death of a criminal or slave owner.

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MasterSeer_LJG 10 years, 9 months ago on Bran's brother shot dead

God keep them in perfect peace despite off. It's not easy loosing a love one.

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HarryBlack 10 years, 9 months ago on Government is weighing up slavery reparations bid

I totally agree with the comments in this article, made by the Honorable Fred Mitchell. Actually, his comments corroborate my own comments made in a previous article on the same issue. It's good to know that my government is taking an informed approach on their position, and using the people's thoughts on the issue as a guide. That speaks to a real democratic desire by this government to involve the people in every decision. As a Bahamian, I am proud of the way this government is going about this. Further, as a Bahamian, even if my government decides to go against my thoughts on this matter, I would never be so stupid as to label them "dumb black racists."

Properly defined, a "racist" is someone who believes that one race is superior to another. Consequently, it is beyond me that anyone can label Mr. Mitchell, or anyone else that is pro-reparation, a "dumb black racist," without providing evidence that the accused person is in fact "racist." Even so, if Mr. Mitchell were in fact a racist, what would his color have to do with it? A racist is a racist no matter what color he/she may be. Therefore, it seems highly likely to me, that anyone who feels it necessary to highlight a person's color prior to accusing them of being racist, is themself an utterly ignorant racist.

Now further on reparations, it is clear that reparations are good for all Bahamians, no matter what color or ethnic background you come from. At the end of the day, there is a good lesson to be learned by everyone standing to be affected by this potential legal settlement. The way I see it, this issue is not about the money, and it's not about a refusal to let go of the past. Rather, this issue is about the "principle" of a matter that can be "proven" in Court and it represents an attempt by would-be plaintiffs, and also would-be defendants, to further acknowledge and further settle an injustice beyond a mere verbal, "we're sorry." I reiterate, reparations are good for ALL Bahamians, even those of Chinese decent. It's good for us all!

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The_Oracle 10 years, 9 months ago on Bran's brother shot dead

Prayers and thoughts for the family, and every family who has lost through our willingness to kill. Our society does not foster Respect, Our Prime Ministers must demand it with outriders and speed through traffic. Yes, Nero fiddles, Marie Antoinette with "let them eat cake", when hearing the French people were starving, But are we ready for the Police state? This is the only thing which will correct and reverse the trend, and many innocent will get beaten, maimed, and killed in the name of the Bahamas. How honorable is that? That a Bahamian killed, or the Bahamas killed, does the difference concern the victim? An ounce of Prevention is worth a pound of cure, the cost will be heavy on us all.

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ThisIsOurs 10 years, 9 months ago on Bran's brother shot dead

Stop blaming someone else for our problem. Guns are a problem and they certainly make killing a person easier if the intent is to kill a person. A young man just stabbed his grandmother to death a few days ago. There's something bigger than weapon of choice going on in Bahamian society. The heart of the Bahamian is seriously corrupted, it is intent on murder, and it will find a way to accomplish it, gun knife rock bottle tyre iron.

Police obfuscate all the time, they are in the palms of the politicians again

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ThisIsOurs 10 years, 9 months ago on Bran's brother shot dead

@John if you found a high powered rifle in your backyard would you pick it up and start killing people? I seriously doubt it. Your heart would have to be intent on killing first. It is not the gun that is the problem, the gun simply makes it easier to kill

I say yes, let's make it harder for people to kill people but let's realize we have a problem in our society that we cannot blame on anyone but ourselves . Our morals are completely out the window, our core is black, anything we want we believe we should have no matter how much it costs, who we have to trample to get it or whether we've actually worked for it.

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banker 10 years, 9 months ago on Bran's brother shot dead

You are right. Bahamians in general have lost a large part of their empathy and humanity in the past 40 years. It was said that in the 1970's, Bahamians were the friendliest island people. Now they are surly and uncaring about everything. Winds of change have blown through.

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HarryBlack 10 years, 9 months ago on Bran's brother shot dead

The main point of the article is that someone, a Bahamian lost his life via murder, and rather than staying focused on offering condolences to his family, you all are insulting each other and pointing fingers! THIS SPEAKS TO THE ROOT OF OUR PROBLEM WITH CRIME. It seems that some Bahamians have lost all sense of humanity, and that a strong effort to sensitize Bahamians is what really needs to happen for real change to be seen.

My heart goes out to the McCartney family. I can only imagine the extent of their sorrow. May the Almighty God give them peace, love, strength and hope for a brighter day.

May God help us all!

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HarryBlack 10 years, 9 months ago on Government is weighing up slavery reparations bid

Here is the Oxford definition of a "racist"


I don't mean to expose you, but maybe you should look in the mirror for "stupid"

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John 10 years, 8 months ago on Government is weighing up slavery reparations bid

Rory is not racist..he's just a coward with a computer...In order to be a racist you have to put your feelings of hate towards someone because of color into action. Dare him to walk into any bar in New Providence and holla out the "N " word..O no, not the "N" word, O yes, the 'N" word, That is how far we have reached in 2013..any more questions? Actually Bahamians may feel sorry for him, and buy him a Kalik or Sands beer

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HarryBlack 10 years, 8 months ago on Government is weighing up slavery reparations bid

Your link provides the same definition as the Oxford dictionary for the word "racist." The link you provided is for the word "racism". Even so, your definition, and I quote; "someone who is prejudiced against people of other races," does not make sense, as a person can also be prejudiced against themselves, thus "racist" against themselves.

You continue to expose your complete ignorance.

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banker 10 years, 7 months ago on Violence in Bahamas at levels close to armed conflict zones

I don't believe this. First there is demonstrable obsessive compulsive disorder in regards to bringing up the FNM in every conversation, and now there is denial of reality where just in today's paper, a Subway store is brazenly robbed, a baby is killed by a hit and run coward, the deputy prime minister was robbed at gunpoint, eight people were shot in a 24 hour period three weeks ago, the murder rate is in fact that of a war zone.

Let me educate you with some comparisons. Take Toronto, Canada. They have a population in the city of 2.78 million and they have had 31 homicides to this point. With that same rate, we should have three homicides every year. We have a tenth of that population and we have over 300% more homicides. Denying a problem makes you part of the problem and not part of the solution.

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HarryBlack 10 years, 7 months ago on Civil liberty fear over random check

While illegal immigration is a problem, illegal immigrants are not the ones slaughtering and robbing people left and right. Wouldn't it make more sense to put our efforts and resources on the problems that are plaguing us the most?

Additionally, if Bahamian citizens are wrongfully detained under the assumption that they might be Hatien, then they should be financially compensated for waisted time and humiliation. I find it unacceptable for any law enforcement officer to waist my time without a very good reason. What if I am on my way to a funeral, or to see a dieing relative in the hospital?? Time is a very valuable thing.

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B_I_D___ 10 years, 2 months ago on UPDATED: Burned body found

To stab or shoot someone is one thing (obviously BAD), to go through the process of killing the person and burning them, that takes it to another completely twisted level.

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HarryBlack 9 years, 11 months ago on Five shootings in 12 hours leave four dead, one injured

This is a serious problem, and it is rooted in the current morale and values of many of our people. Consequently, the solution will have to be one that aims to improve the morale and values of all Bahamians. And to be fair, because the nature of the problem, it is very difficult for any government to administer a quick solution. Our country is so horrible right now, most of the people complaining about the level of crime, are just as angry and potentially just as dangerous as those criminals that do get caught. To many Bahamians have completely abandoned the idea that one should "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In the Bahamas, it's "do unto others as you see fit" and things like love and care are things thought only be in the movies. There is a selfish, greedy, "sense of entitlement" kind of thinking that needs to change yesterday, if we are to affect change in the vicious crime trend we see today.

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HarryBlack 9 years, 10 months ago on Call for government to confirm position of banks on webshops

If the Bahamas is a sovereign country, then we should be able to have gambling facilities that do not violate prudent financial norms. Webshop money goes through banks now without consequence, so why suggest a potential blacklisting? I think that might be one of the reasons why the government wants to regulate the Webshops, to bring them to a certain standard so as to minimize any risk of a blacklisting. I like Bran, but he needs to sometimes set politics aside, and try to encourage the government. Being critical of the governments failures is one thing, but suggesting a potential blacklisting, is no different than suggesting that a meteorite will come crashing down tomorrow. I think it would be smarter to offer the government helpful suggestions for the inevitable legislation, rather than be prematurely critical of them. A view that is loyal to objection is suspect to me. Our politicians need to wise up.

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HarryBlack 9 years, 10 months ago on Call for government to confirm position of banks on webshops

I understand you are fedup, but that's alot of hate, and hate never resolves anything. You should at least be thankful that you live in a country where you are free to express yourself as in this case. Im confident the prime minister will see your point, and immediately change his shit ways... Thanks for sharing