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Bimini Bay facing homeowners revolt

The Bimini Bay Resort is facing a homeowners revolt in the Supreme Court, with multiple purchasers voicing concerns over how their properties and multi-million dollar maintenance fee sums are being managed.

Air cargo pull-out threat result of ‘ill thought-out policy’

The threat of a Bahamas boycott by Florida-based air cargo operators was yesterday branded as “the unintended consequences of ill-thought out policy” by the Opposition’s deputy leader. K P Turnquest warned that as an import-dependent economy, reliant on international transportation links, the Bahamian economy could only suffer if freight companies reduced or eliminated services to this nation.

Water Corporation owes BISX-listed firm $8.3m

Water Corporation owes BISX-listed firm $8.3m By NEIL HARTNELL Tribune Business Editor The Water & Sewerage Corporation's cash flow woes were highlighted again last night after BISX-listed Consolidated Water revealed that was owed $8.3 million for water

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