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AG: BPL needs 400MW in new generation plant

Bahamas Power & Light (BPL) needs more than 400 mega watts (MW) of new generation capacity to address a “dire” situation requiring between 60-80 percent of its existing plant to be replaced within five years.

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‘There’s no hospital without physicians”

More than half of surveyed doctors feel the new $290m hospital is not “fiscally sound”, the Medical Association of The Bahamas (MAB) president said yesterday, as she warned: “There’s no hospital without the physicians.”

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Records broken at Red-Line Youth Track Classic

THE third edition of the Red-Line Youth Track Classic brought out multiple record-breaking performances this past weekend at the original Thomas A Robinson Stadium. Division Scores The Hurry Murray track club rounded up victories in three out of eight divisions at the two-day meet and last club meet for the season. They won the under-7 division with a total of 52 points. The host club was second with 39 points and Speed Capacity Maximised finished third at 34 points.

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