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ALICIA WALLACE: Take pride in who you are

ANOTHER year, another month of June, another observation of Pride Month. For the third consecutive year, the US Embassy has decided to fly the Pride flag at the Queen Street chancery at at Liberty Overlook, the residence of the US Ambassador.


Industries mixed over up to 75% boating fee cuts

Fishing and tour excursion providers yesterday gave decidedly mixed reactions on the up to 75 percent cuts in boat registration fees tabled in the House of Assembly.

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FRONT PORCH: A national lottery can help Bahamians in countless ways

IN our 50th year of independence, the national debt remains a source of deep concern, with state resources stretched across our archipelago. The country remains at risk of downgrade from various rating agencies. The debt will worsen with the next major hurricane, pandemic and/or financial crisis.

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ALICIA WALLACE: Government ‘unserious’ on gender policy progress

THE national gender policy has been on the shelf for years. It was first drafted more than a decade ago, and last updated in 2018.

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ALICIA WALLACE: Ending gender-based violence against women

THE Global 16 Days Campaign, also know as 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, begins on Saturday. This annual campaign runs from November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (IDEVAW)) to December 10 (Human Rights Day). This is an important time of year for women’s rights organizations and other non-governmental organizations and movements working to end gender-based violence against women.

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FRONT PORCH: They’ll know we are Christians by our . . . judgementalism?

SO often throughout history the victims of discrimination and oppression are described as “venomous” when they protest against their brutalisation and mistreatment. We have observed this sad response by some Bahamian male religious leaders toward women campaigning to outlaw marital rape.


STATESIDE: Major political science study says race is factor that separates Dems from GOP

MANY Americans who are also parents of college-aged kids will often wonder out loud to each other that their children will describe a friend (or even a love interest) without adding as one of the adjectives the colour of their skin.

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ALICIA WALLACE: It’s easy to blame mother when bad things happen, but not often accurate

IT is easy to blame societal issues on women — mothers in particular. It is easy to blame them on “broken” homes. It is easy to blame them on less commitment to Christianity.

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THE KDK REPORT: This wound so deep

AS blanketed as it may initially sound, humans enjoy and rely upon the concept of order. Whether it is in law or in life in general, we depend on certain conditions, practices and expectations without which we would be awash in a sea of confusion. On a daily basis, the sun rises and then the sun sets. Simple and easy to understand.

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FRONT PORCH: Museums overlooked - but important to tell our story

APARTHEID, the system of institutionalised racism and minoritarian rule in South Africa, formally existed from 1948 to the early 1990s. It was steeped in a history of slavery, colonialism, and the warring for political and economic control between competing groups and powers.

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Navigating the challenges to drive increased demand

The Bahamas, often celebrated for its breathtaking natural landscapes and vibrant cultural heritage, stands poised with immense potential for economic growth. Throughout this two-part series, we will thoroughly explore the pressing need to invigorate and foster the growth of the local economy. It is crucial to grasp the essence and significance of what constitutes an economy, as it serves as the backbone upon which the prosperity and well-being of a nation and its people are built.

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PETER YOUNG: Wokeness is destroying west, says Boris Johnson

He’s back. To general acclaim, whether you like him or not, ousted former British prime minister Boris Johnson has returned to his old trade by becoming a regular columnist for the UK’s mass circulation tabloid newspaper, the Daily Mail. So he has a new platform to express his views on a variety of issues and to maintain his relevance as a political figure in Britain – believing, apparently, that he still has a future in that most unforgiving of occupations.

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FACE TO FACE: Commonwealth Women’s Affairs Ministers Meeting – planning for the advancement of women

IN The Bahamas, gender-based violence is a pervasive issue. Incidents of sexual molestation against children, especially girls, sexual assault, domestic violence and femicide continue to shock this small nation, in particular, New Providence, the capital. Families are being destroyed, lives are being lost, and the society is hurting due to these heinous acts. Indeed, violence and murder on the whole negatively impact the progress being made as an independent nation, now celebrating 50 years.

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PETER YOUNG: Can BRICS create a new world order?

A relatively new international grouping has taken centre stage this past week. It is called BRICS. The world is bombarded by endless acronyms by which bodies and organizations are universally known, but it is probably a safe bet that BRICS will not yet be widely familiar even though its significance seems to be growing.

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PETER YOUNG: Growth of woke extremism concerning as seen in the ‘de-banking’ of Farage

THERE can be no doubt about what to cover in this week’s column. In Britain, woke extremism is becoming more widespread and a major example of it has just come to light in the shape of Coutts & Co, a British private bank in London, which has recently cancelled, for political reasons, the account of one of its most well-known clients. Coutts is famous for handling the banking needs of wealthy individuals.
