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Christopher Saunders earns Commissioner’s Badge from FIBA

VERSATILE Christopher Saunders, a noted journalist, lecturer and politician, has moved to the head of the class as the latest Bahamian to earn his Commissioner’s badge from the International Basketball Federation (FIBA).

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FACE TO FACE: Fighting for the rights of fathers

Children who have a close relationship with their father are twice more likely to find stable employment or enter college after high school. They are 75 percent less likely to have a teen birth; 80 percent less likely to spend time in jail; and half as likely to experience multiple depression symptoms.


Focus on cost of living issues

LET me state from the outset that I am a dyed-in-the-wool capitalist. I do not subscribe to the malevolent Marxist school of thought which is diametrically opposed to the Judeo-Christian worldview.


Opposition demands BPL load shed clarity

The Opposition's leader is arguing the Government's failure to build on the Bahamas Power & Light (BPL) reform strategy that it left in place is likely responsible for the utility's renewed resumption of load shedding.

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'Particularly concerning': Imports expand 10x faster than exports

The Bahamas Trade Commission's chair yesterday said it was "particularly concerning" that this nation's imports have increased "ten-fold" compared to export growth with the country's National Trade Policy set for imminent release.

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Local shark feeding operations and how to reduce bite chances

MY name is André Musgrove. I’m a professional underwater photographer, shark diver, and spearfisherman from the Bahamas, and have extensive experience working with sharks and shark scientists worldwide, including Tiger Sharks, Bull Sharks, and Great White Sharks.

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THE KDK REPORT: How we handle stress can have a significant impact on our health

MY earliest tangible moment of self-reflection occurred when I graduated high school. It was the first time I’d ever looked back on my life and contemplated my future; seriously contemplated that is. Before that, there were lots of times when I contemplated a piece of that future, like what the next Saturday night would hold or how many more weeks I had to wait to get my driver’s license. But nothing compared to ending the longest chapter of my life to date, the school years before I would have to leave home and all the comfort and familiarity it represented.

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INSIGHT: The geographic and economic roots of our crime problem

ALL people are created equal in the sight of our maker; equal in dignity and value. This is an unquestioned value espoused by most of western society and often enshrined in the constitution.

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FRONT PORCH: Attitudes towards the disabled must change

WE live in a highly materialistic society in which many of us measure our self-worth by our possessions, ranging from the vehicles we drive to the brand name clothes which adorn our perfumed accents, bodies and privileges.

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Central Bank mortgage ease may not have instant impact

A realtor yesterday hailed the Central Bank's bid to help more persons "accomplish the Bahamian dream" although he warned the impact may not be felt instantly.

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Unemployment rate drop labelled a 'smokescreen'

The Opposition's finance spokesman last night argued that the 8.8 percent unemployment rate, the lowest for 15 years, is a "smokescreen" that masks the "significant" reduction in the labour force's size and number of working Bahamians.

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ALICIA WALLACE: Complaints can lead to recognition of issues and solutions to problems

“WHAT makes you go,I’m with the boomers on this one?” That was the question posed by a Twitter user on Saturday, getting more than 1,000 replies and more than 13,000 quote tweets. Almost 48 million people viewed the tweet up to close of business on Tuesday.

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FRONT PORCH – A culture of violence is metastasizing: Why are we surprised?

WE have gone to bed most evenings and/or have awakened most mornings in the New Year with fresh social media posts and news about the latest murder(s). The killing frenzy – it is not a “spurt” – has surprised many of us. Why are we surprised?

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FRONT PORCH: Comprehensive intervention needed to deal with murders

AT the beginning of 2024, after a terrible spate of murder and bloodshed, we are once again playing out our near perfected and predictable response to violent crime.

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Economic growth critical for Bahamians to prosper

As citizens of The Bahamas, we frequently ponder the intricate workings of our economy, questioning its sources of income and its influence on our daily existence.

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‘Full steam ahead’ for Royal Caribbean on PI

Royal Caribbean’s Bahamas chief has hailed as “a critical milestone” the environmental go-ahead for its Paradise Island beach club “that could benefit hundreds of businesses and tens of thousands of Bahamians”.
