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Google unleashes AI in search

Google on Tuesday rolled out a retooled search engine that will frequently favor responses crafted by artificial intelligence over website links, a shift promising to quicken the quest for information while also potentially disrupting the flow of money-making internet traffic.

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Steven Gardiner ‘just glad to be back’

BAHAMAS men’s national 400 metres record holder Steven Gardiner said he’s glad to be back, but he’s hoping that he can stay “injury free” as he looks forward to a fun-filled season in preparation to defend his title at the Olympic Games in August.

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Eric Wiberg – Clifton Bay, Lyford Cay, B-26 All KIA

FOUR RAF pilots, from the UK, Canada, and South Africa, came within 100 feet of a smooth water landing yards off Lyford Cay one fall evening when things suddenly went horribly wrong.

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More hotel rooms key to beyond COVID recovery

The Bahamas must increase its supply of hotel rooms and cruise passenger spending to maintain tourism’s growth pace beyond 2023 with industry earnings now “more than recovered” from COVID’s devastation.

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FACE TO FACE: Bishop Dr J Carl Rahming – Celebrating a Faithful Servant of God

HE is a Fox Hilllian to the core. The village where he was born has remained his homestead for his entire life. It is one of the oldest African settlements in New Providence and one where a tradition of celebrating Emancipation has survived for two centuries.

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ERIC WIBERG: Splashdown in the moonlight

ON the night of Tuesday, October 5, 1943, a pilot from the RAF named Hastie calmly pointed the sizeable B-25 Mitchell bomber towards the dark outline of South Eleuthera, just above Lighthouse Point. Despite losing an engine then the second one overheating, Hastie managed to calmly land his nearly 70ft, 35,000lb airplane a mere 100 feet from the beach gleaming white in the moonlight, without any of his men being killed.

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FACE TO FACE: Reflecting on Independence, remembering George Smith

WHEN George A Smith passed away on May 26, it was a poignant moment in time. The end of one era is at hand, and the dawning of a new era is taking place right before our eyes.


Leadership is key to a better future

Recent articles in The Tribune have left me wondering about what the next 50 years has in store for The Bahamas.


Restraint in politics and in government

ANTHONY Seldon, the well-known British headteacher and political observer has written books on each of his country’s prime ministers over the past 40 years.

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FRONT PORCH: Restraint in politics and government

ANTHONY Seldon, the well-known British headteacher and political observer has written books on each of his country’s prime ministers over the past 40 years.

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FACE TO FACE: What is the measure of a man? Remembering Obie Wilchcombe

“THE ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy,” said Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Minister: $21m ‘overrun’ on key BPL investment

A Cabinet minister yesterday asserted that Bahamas Power & Light’s (BPL) key generation investment has suffered a $21m-plus “cost overrun” while failing to deliver the promised efficiencies and savings.

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FACE TO FACE: Arlene Nash-Ferguson’s legacy - The ‘Mother’ of modern Junkanoo

SHE was a little girl, just four years old when she first stepped foot on Bay Street in a colourful, completely fringed outfit to rush in the Junkanoo parade. It was adorable to see little Arlene performing. With eyes beaming and a big, bright smile, she moved to the beat of the Junkanoo drum.
