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AG: Gov’t determined GBPA fulfill obligations

The Attorney General yesterday reinforced the Government’s determination to make the Grand Bahama Port Authority “meet its obligations” as he defended its demands for financial reimbursement.

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Man says he ‘was checking her breathing’, denies inappropriately touching stepdaughter

A MAN accused of inappropriately touching his stepdaughter in 2019 claimed he simply went to check on the girl because she suffers from seizures and did not touch her inappropriately as alleged.

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Father charged with child cruelty and assault with a deadly weapon

A 33-year-old father in Andros was accused of beating his two-year-old daughter and threatening to shoot and kill her and his wife.

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WORLD VIEW: 1.5°C is upon us - are we prepared?

THE report on May 17, from the World Meteorological Organization, (WMO) that global temperatures are likely to surge to record levels in the next five years should have sent all Caribbean institutions, such as the CARICOM Secretariat, the Caribbean Development Bank, and the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, into overdrive to explore further ways in which the region could accelerate efforts to avert this calamity.

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WORLD VIEW: Autonomous weapons – a real and urgent danger to people

AS if small states, with limited financial and human resources to safeguard their societies, do not confront enough grave challenges, along comes the phenomenon of “autonomous weapons” – probably the most frightening technological development that has yet been created.

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FRONT PORCH: Ignorant fundamentalists showing homophobic, undemocratic colours

THE wildly irrational freak-out, moral panic and paroxysms by certain clerics and their cheering squads over a Pride Bahamas forum at the University of The Bahamas was at times humorous, especially given the nonsensical statements by an excitable prideful parade of homophobes displaying their theocratic colours.


Sands’ naivety

At a time when the consensus is that we unite as a people, the Free National Movement, under the pettiness and political naivety of Duane Sands, decides to waste time on trivialities. He cannot help himself after seeing the outpouring of patriotism and fellowship shown at the well-received presentations and participation of the Bahamian people at the Independence Celebration in Clifford Park.

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Pistol found near Deangelo Evans’ body ‘not police-issued’

A POLICE officer testified yesterday that a .40 Springfield pistol allegedly recovered near Deangelo Evans’ body was not a police-issued weapon.

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Cable: Bahamians watch more Netflix than our TV

Cable Bahamas has admitted that household penetration of pay-TV services plunged by 21 percentage points in seven years because Bahamians now spend more time watching Netflix-type streaming services.

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WORLD VIEW: It’s time the UN Security Council acts to stop the killing in Gaza

THE escalation of violence in Gaza by Israel has prompted a global outcry, marking a rising disgust, particularly among the young, of what is widely regarded as a hugely disproportionate response to the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.

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Psychiatrist testifies over miscarriage risk

A PSYCHIATRIST testified yesterday that work stress could have contributed to the miscarriage Alana Major experienced in 2019.

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Davis and Pintard clash over $1bn pre-election difference in Minnis administration report

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis and Opposition Leader Michael Pintard clashed in the House of Assembly yesterday after government MPs rehashed accusations that the Minnis administration did not reveal accurate figures about the government’s true liabilities in a pre-election fiscal report.

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‘Suspect’s DNA found under victim’s nails’

A DNA analyst testified that Rodrigo Rolle’s DNA was found under Janice Kissinger’s fingernails after the elderly American woman was killed in Cat Island in 2017.


The first three nails may be in

The naked truth makes us uncomfortable. Politics aside, Prime Minister Davis seems to be a decent and compassionate human being. But he has a problem. He is too nice for politics. His party was swept into power by a tidal wave of popular enthusiasm, and truth be told, in just two short years he might have subconsciously driven the first three nails in his own political coffin.

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MEN KILLED BY POLICE ‘HAD FIRED AT CROWD’: Officer testifies men shot at them near bar then fled in car

AN officer testified yesterday that police opened fire on two men killed in a chase on Tonique Williams-Darling Highway in 2017 after they allegedly fired a gun at a crowd outside a bar.

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Minister ‘agenda’ against Murphy

RETIRED commissioner of the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services Charles Murphy claimed in court yesterday that National Security Minister Wayne Munroe had a personal agenda against him and failed to adequately explain why he sent him on administrative leave after the 2021 general election.

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Young mother sentenced to one year of prison for abandoning her two sons

A 23-year-old mother appeared unfazed as she was sentenced to one year in prison yesterday for child abandonment.


WORLD VIEW: CARICOM at 50: there is still hope

JULY 4, 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Chaguaramas, the foundational document that brought the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) into existence. With high hopes and lofty ambitions, the heads of government of the four largest independent Caribbean countries at the time embarked on a journey towards regional integration. They were later joined, to varying degrees of commitment, by 10 other countries.


EDITORIAL: Good news - but not the whole story

AFTER years of no statistics over how many people were unemployed, we have good news.

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WSC manager claims she was asked, ‘What ways can we find to increase costing?’

A SENIOR manager at the Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC) claimed in court yesterday that Adrian Gibson asked her how the corporation could increase the cost of maintenance contracts awarded to companies he allegedly ordered to be contracted.