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A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Give us a sporting chance for more golden moments

The entire Bahamas paused on Monday night to cheer on our nation’s golden superwoman Shaunae Miller as she ran and captured the gold medal in the 400 metres final at the Games of the 31st Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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‘We’ll help - but don’t try to land’: Govt signals it won’t allow cruise ships to send anyone here

THE Bahamas government signalled yesterday that it will not accept people infected with COVID-19 from ships stranded in Bahamian waters despite a US Coast Guard bulletin that foreign-flagged vessels should seek help from countries in which they are registered.


Gov’t crackdown on 20-25% uninsured motorists is urged

The Government was yesterday urged to crack down on the 20-25 per cent of Bahamian motorists who are uninsured, given the increasing frequency of traffic accidents where victims have no compensation recourse.

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Executives evaluate site of beach soccer facility

FIFA, Beach Soccer Worldwide and Bahamas Football Association executives conducted a site visit this week to evaluate the Bahamas’ progress toward major beach soccer events.


Browne and Mottley: Shapers of the regional future

PRIME Ministers Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda and Mia Mottley of Barbados are two of the Caribbean’s young and dynamic leaders, both workaholics with clear and determined visions for the betterment of their countries. Each of them is a committed regionalist, notwithstanding insinuations to the contrary in sections of the regional media.

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PETER YOUNG: Tumultuous year and passing of a statesman

SINCE this column is mainly about international affairs, it might be appropriate at the beginning of January to attempt a brief broad brush review of the year and offer some thoughts about the coming months in what has become a crisis-ridden world. But I fear that in today’s state of febrile uncertainty it would be hazardous to try to predict even the immediate future.


Bridging digital divide in world's new reality

In an address to the nation on COVID-19, the Prime Minister said: “Innovation and trying new things are an essential part of what we must do at this time.” This statement was followed by Dr Hubert Minnis encouraging Bahamians to continue creating mor

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Woman denies smuggling firearms

A 25-year-old woman who denied trying to smuggle several firearms and ammunition in addition to a large quantity of drugs into the country was yesterday granted bail before her trial.

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Francis Adderley wins President’s Cup Tournament

FORMER softball/baseball player Francis Adderley, who has played well in partnership with others in recent times, emerged as the champion of his first individual tournament over the weekend.

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Junior golfers 'putt' Bahamas 5th overall

Team Bahamas produced a trio of top five finishers against elite junior golf talent in the region at the 31st edition of the Caribbean Amateur Junior Golf Championships.The team concluded the final round in fifth place in the race for the Hank James


Brian Dugue

Celebration Service in Recognition, Acknowledgement, Appreciation, of the Legacy and Many Profound Memories of the Late Mr. Brian Dugue age 13 of Plantol Street, East Street service will be held on Saturday March 16th, 2019 at 11:00am at East Street …

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Turnquest and Anand finish 2nd in their divisions at the 30th Caribbean Junior Golf Championships

TEAM Bahamas produced a pair of top three finishers against elite junior golf talent in the region at the 30th edition of the Caribbean Amateur Junior Golf Championships.The team concluded the final round yesterday following the three-day competition


The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 2 Infected, Watch The Walking DeadSeason 4 Episode 2 Online Free, The Walking Dead …


Caribbean Amateur Golf Championships wrap up

THE 2016 Caribbean Amateur Golf Championships closed out at the Ocean Club resort, Paradise Island, on Friday with the Bahamas remaining in the same position they occupied all week in both the men’s Hoerman Cup and the ladies’ George Teale Memorial Cup.


Wells, Rose lead race for trophy

HEADED into the final day of competition at the Caribbean Amateur Golf Championships, one pairing of Team Bahamas will attempt to cling to their position atop the leaderboard while others face an uphill climb toward contention.


Romad Dean ends season in OSBA final four

ROMAD Dean and the Crestwood Lions finished the Ontario Scholastic Basketball Association season as one of the top prep programmes in all of Canada.

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Bahamas ends up 5th overall at Caribbean Amateur Jr Golf Championships

SQUARED off against the best junior golfers in the region, the Bahamas fell one spot off their pace in recent years.


'Once the Bahamas becomes a permanent stop on the tour, millions of dollars will come to our country and impact our local economy'

'Once the Bahamas becomes a permanent stop on the tour, millions of dollars will come to our country and impact our local economy' By BRENT STUBBS Senior Sports Reporter With the second Bahamas Women's Open less than two weeks a


'Once the Bahamas becomes a permanent stop on the tour, millions of dollars will come to our country and impact our local economy'

'Once the Bahamas becomes a permanent stop on the tour, millions of dollars will come to our country and impact our local economy' By BRENT STUBBS Senior Sports Reporter With the second Bahamas Women's Open less than two weeks a