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URCA demands Cable Bahamas pull political ad

THE Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority has ordered Cable Bahamas Limited to immediately cease and desist from broadcasting a political advertisement of Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis that has been showing on its channels.


Broker 'caused' to supply false financial details

The mastermind behind a $340 million Ponzi fraud allegedly “caused” a BISX-listed firm’s broker/dealer affiliate to issue “fabricated financial information” that resulted in the value of investors’ holdings being overvalued by almost $149 million.


‘Total lack of evidence’: Broker’s chief blasts SEC

A “total lack of evidence” produced by US federal regulators means their lawsuit against a BISX-listed company’s principal, and its broker/dealer affiliate, over an alleged $400 million fraud should be dismissed.


US tells BISX-listed firm: We can get you

Federal regulators have effectively accused a BISX-listed company’s principal, and its broker/dealer affiliate, of hypocrisy over their claims that US law “cannot touch” their allegedly “egregious acts” in relation to a $400 million fraud.


Comments by Bishop Ellis

I consider Bishop Neil C Ellis to be a spiritual giant in the Bahamian Christian community who is considered a spiritual father to many young clergymen. With a membership in the thousands coupled with an international reach that extends throughout the United States of America and the Caribbean, if there’s one Bahamian preacher of the gospel one would think would have the listening ear of the Free National Movement (FNM) administration and Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis, it would be Ellis.

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TOUGH CALL: Why Trump won and what it could mean for The Bahamas

One thing is for certain - there has been no shortage of analysis from every quarter on why Donald Trump won the US presidential election.

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Bahamian pro ball players standout in Europe, Middle East

BAHAMIAN basketball players continue to post standout numbers on their respective circuits throughout professional leagues across Europe and the Middle East.


URCA: BTC cell monopoly 'rare'

URCA: BTC cell monopoly 'rare' By NEIL HARTNELL Tribune Business Editor While conceding that the Bahamas Telecommunications Company's (BTC) ongoing cellular monopoly was "increasingly rare", the industry regulator has rejected Cable Bahamas' urging that


Liquidators pledge recognition of $83m Alliance investments

One group of liquidators for an alleged multinational Ponzi fraud yesterday denied claims they would not recognise investors who placed $217 million into it via a Bahamian broker/dealer.


URCA seeks to shorten reconnection time

THE Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority wants to shorten the time communications service providers have to reconnect the services of people who are wrongfully disconnected or were disconnected because of non-payment.


BISX-listed firm guarantees its broker’s solvency

A BISX-listed company has been forced to guarantee its main subsidiary’s financial solvency, after it failed to meet the Securities Commission’s minimum $300,000 capital requirements.


Women in the Bible - Part two

NOW this should attract the attention of any truth seeker. The two most influential philosophers in the world of Christian theology in the Middle Ages were both of the Greco-Roman world into which Christianity was born – Plato (427-347 BC) and Aristotle (384 - 322 BC).


Benchmark in 2013 'income' warning

Benchmark (Bahamas) yesterday warned investors to expect a “reduction in income”in 2013, due to the pending liquidation of one of its key clients.

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On deck and close to the action at the Battle of Jutland

101 years ago this weekend, Lt Robert Tatton Bower, of the Royal Navy, wrote a letter to his father, giving a first hand account of the largest World War 1 naval battle from aboard HMS Inconstant. Lt Bower’s descendants have Bahamian connections: his son Paul, came to the islands and was Publisher of The Nassau Guardian while his grandsons, Nigel and Bobby, are known business figures in Nassau.

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Equality Bahamas says minister must go over comments

ANOTHER activist group is calling for the resignation of Minister of Social Services and Urban Development Lanisha Rolle over her controversial comments on marital rape.


BISX listee in talks to settle SEC litigation

A BISX-listed company’s principal yesterday said there was “quite fertile ground” to reach an out-of-court settlement with US federal regulator’s over its subsidiary’s alleged involvement in a $400 million financial fraud.


18 candidates running for BCP

THE Bahamas Constitution Party (BC) nominated 18 candidates for the May 10 general election, the fringe party said in a press release yesterday.

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Pro baller Kentwan Smith signs with BCA Nokia in Finland

KENTWAN Smith received the opportunity he was waiting for all offseason long as he signed with a new club in a new country to continue his pro basketball career.


Time for jobs, Dr Minnis

CONTROLLING corruption does not create jobs and jobs-jobs-jobs is what the people who want jobs want to hear - where are they, Mr Minnis?


Regulators exploring regime for blockchain

Bahamian financial regulators are exploring the creation of appropriate regulatory regimes for the emerging blockchain technology and cryptocurrency sectors.Their efforts come as The Bahamas hosts industry leaders, financiers, block signers and miner