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Anthony Newbold's words prick consciences

AS ANTHONY “Ace” Newbold took his place at the lectern of Holy Trinity parish church on Friday, he looked down on the draped coffin of his friend of 30 years, then donned the mantle of a Marc Antony come to bury his Caesar. This Bahamian Anthony, like that Roman Antony, and his Caesar, was determined not to let the good that Edmund Spencer Moxey, 80, had done for his people be interred with his bones.


Bahamas broker 'pliant' in claimed investment fraud

The broker/dealer subsidiary of a BISX-listed company has been described by US regulators as “the pliant custodian” for an investment group accused of perpetrating an $140 million fraud, one investor alleging that it also failed to respond to its asset verification requests.



• Tech giants Facebook, Twitter and Google are taking steps to police terrorists and hate groups on their sites but more work needs to be done, the Simon Wiesenthal Center said on Tuesday.


PLP plays politics with lives

The PLP is playing politics with people’s lives.


Ed Bethel

And then there were three. On Monday, March 13, the media profession in The Bahamas lost a giant of a journalist and broadcaster, Mr Ed Bethel.

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STATESIDE: Politicians need to recognise when it is time for them to leave the stage

WHAT do Diane Feinstein, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, George Santos and Clarence Thomas have in common?

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LJ Rose inks deal with new European club

NATIONAL team guard LJ Rose inked a deal with a new European club.


Karl McCartney and Stampeders lead the west in the CFL

NOW in his sixth season with a Canadian Football League powerhouse, Bahamian veteran Karl McCartney is continuing his role as a special teams ace and reserve linebacker.


Collapsed entity’s $5m holding in BISX firm

Questions were last night being raised over the future viability of a BISX-listed company, after court documents disclosed that an entity accused of perpetrating a major multinational fraud held all its $5 million preference share capital.

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BISX-listed firm's CEO faces 'grilling' over alleged fraud

The chief executive of a BISX-listed company faces a grilling from liquidators investigating an alleged multinational fraud, who are seeking information on a series of multi-million dollar transactions involving his company.

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PM pays tribute to Edmund Moxey

THE late Edmund Moxey espoused ideas and introduced projects that historians will come to view as being way ahead of their time, Prime Minister Perry Christie said during the state funeral for one of the Bahamas cultural icons at the Parish Church of the Most Holy Trinity on Stapleton Gardens yesterday.


Ex-finance minister says income tax 'stable' choice

An ex-minister of state for finance yesterday backed income tax as a more "stable" and equitable alternative to the present regressive structure that is dominated by VAT and import duties.


Benchmark denies 'material impact' via client's liquidation

BENCHMARK (Bahamas) yesterday said the Supreme Court-supervised liquidation of one of its key clients would “not have a material impact” on its financial position or “long-term development”, expressing confidence that it would achieve long-term business development goals.

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Legal threat to $5m benchmark pref equity

Liquidators for an alleged multi-million dollar ‘Ponzi’ fraud are threatening legal action to force a BISX-listed company to unwind, and return, a $5 million investment that accounts for 100 per cent of its preference share capital.

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Francis Adderley wins President’s Cup Tournament

FORMER softball/baseball player Francis Adderley, who has played well in partnership with others in recent times, emerged as the champion of his first individual tournament over the weekend.


'Risk' broker may not return investor funds

There is a “legitimate risk” that a BISX-listed broker/dealer may not return funds caught up in a $340 million Ponzi scheme to their rightful owners, court documents obtained by Tribune Business have alleged.


Sports in brief

THE fourth annual Georgette Rolle Junior Golf Camp is slated to get underway 9am to 2pm today in the Golf Driving Range at the Baillou Hills Sporting Complex.

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Sports in brief

THE New Providence Volleyball Association continued its regular season Sunday with a double header at the DW Davis Gym.


CFL: Karl McCartney continues to excel with the Stampeders

ALREADY with an established reputation as a special teams ace, Karl McCartney continues to excel in his fourth season with the Calgary Stampeders of the Canadian Football League.


PwC wins battle over liquidation of alleged fraud

A huge battle over who should wind-up an alleged multi-million dollar fraud, a case that has embroiled a BISX-listed company, has ended with the Supreme Court appointing a combination of PricewaterhouseCoopers (Bahamas) and the US receiver as liquidators.