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Live a fulfilling life: Should you stop eating red meat?

Should you reduce your intake of beef, lamb, bacon and sausage? According to a new study, the answer is...maybe.

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Live a Fulfilling Life: Recognising stress overload

Life is full of new experiences and discoveries, deadlines and demands. This way of life can cause feelings of anxiety and stress. Stress isn’t always bad, however.

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International tennis teams to join Bahamas for IC Caribbean Doubles Week Championship

INTERNATIONAL tennis teams from USA, Barbados and Canada will be joining The Bahamas team for the sixth bi-annual International Tennis Clubs (IC) Caribbean Doubles Week Championship from Monday, January 16 to Friday, January 20.


COVID alcohol bar cuts Brewery revenue 48%

Commonwealth Brewery has disclosed that the COVID-19-related bar on alcohol sales slashed its 2020 second quarter revenues by 48 percent year-over-year, dropping it to a $3.16m first half net loss.

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Living a Fulfilling Life: Six tips to banish cellulite

Cellulite is one of those things that either you accept is a beautiful part of the human body or you dislike it and do all you can to banish it. Here are a few things I’ve learned about cellulite and effective ways to reduce its appearance.


At the end of your comfort zone

Become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself

A friend of mine gave me a sticker the other day which said “Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone”, and it reminded me how powerful this one statement is.

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Become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself: Health – whole and holy:

How do you define health? Is it a measure of your physique or absence of disease?

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HEALTH, WHOLE AND HOLY: Even if you eat a burger, you’re still on track

You are trying to eat well – salads, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, protein, minimally processed foods and complex carbohydrates.


The war zone of the colon

IT is the filth in our system that kills us. Unless you clean out your bowels you will never reach vibrant health.

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Become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself: Recovery after surgery and illness

While you are recovering from illness, your body is working extra hard to repair and rebuild itself.

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The stories we tell ourselves

The causes of troubled relationships are created from the stories we tell ourselves. We experience a troublesome event, have an emotional response, and then create a story to explain it or alleviate our pain. Over time we repeat the story until it becomes a script we follow.

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Live a Fulfilling Life: A New Year

A new year usually sparks ideas for change. You’ve been through 365 days of feeling happy about some things, disappointed, frustrated, lonely, unhealthy, and unfulfilled about others. Each year we tend to take account of how we want our lives to be different. So now, in 2016, what will you resolve to change?

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Live a Fulfilling Life: The energetics of food

“Let medicine be your food and food be your medicine,” said Hippocrates, the man with the reputation of being the father of Western medicine.

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Live a Fulfilling Life: Taking a ‘time out’

For some of you, giving to everyone and everything else before yourself is a daily habit. Many times we find ourselves with health issues, stress imbalances or failing relationships and do not realise that a likely cause is that for too long you have attributed a disproportionate amount of time, attention and energy to ‘other things’.


Chamber revives Business awards

After a one-year hiatus, the Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce (GBCC) has announced the return of the Business Excellence Recognition Awards.

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Best of the Best Regatta has all-junior line-up in E Class for first time ever

AMIDST the majestic sight of A, B and C Class sloops in Montagu Bay last weekend, there were two other boat fleets out on the water, most of which were being sailed by junior sailors aged 17 and under.

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First Class Promotions to stage All-Female Pro Boxing Show

AFTER postponing the initial show in October due to one of the main event competitors getting injured, First Class Promotions has announced that the first All-Female Professional Boxing Show is back on the agenda.

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Live a fulfilling life: Processing grief and healing your heart

Loss of financial security, death of a loved one, the ending of a relationship, going away to school, displacement due to a natural disaster, miscarriage, perception of failed leadership, abuse – all of these are situations that you may not fully realise impact your well-being.

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Live a Fulfilling Life: Creating habits that stick

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” These words from Aristotle are a reminder that success doesn’t come overnight. It is a discipline that, with time, takes you from where you are to where you want to go.

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Live a Fulfilling Life: Mind Silence

Some people think that the mind is the brain, but it is not.