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Are cruise ship sick heading here?

THE United States Coast Guard has told foreign-flagged cruise ships to be prepared to care for people with COVID-19 for an uncertain period of time at sea or seek help from countries in which they are registered.

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Holowesko victorious

YOUNG Bahamian riders Ella Holowesko, Siena Holowesko, and Tamsin Nottage travelled to Saugerties, New York, with their trainer Mrs Erika Adderley-Coello of Mariposa Stables, to compete at the Marshall & Sterling Insurance League 2016 National Finals this past weekend.

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URCA demands Cable Bahamas pull political ad

THE Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority has ordered Cable Bahamas Limited to immediately cease and desist from broadcasting a political advertisement of Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis that has been showing on its channels.

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TOUGH CALL: What Bahamians are discussing on social media

SEVERAL recent posts on my Facebook page discussed topical issues and generated some interesting responses, which I share here.

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Bahamas wins 1st round tie against Honduras

The Bahamas men’s team, riding on the two singles victories from Philip Major Jr and Baker Newman, won their first round American Zone III Davis Cup Tie against Honduras.Yesterday as the tie got underway at the Costa Rica Country Club in Escape, Cost

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Francis Adderley wins President’s Cup Tournament

FORMER softball/baseball player Francis Adderley, who has played well in partnership with others in recent times, emerged as the champion of his first individual tournament over the weekend.


Women's Week events to conclude with march on Saturday

UNDER the theme ‘Press for Progress’, a week-long series of events marking Women’s Week and International Women’s Day will culminate in a march on Saturday. March organisers Equality Bahamas said this year’s events focused on bodily autonomy and cre

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Non stop party as 100 Jamz celebrates 20 years

CALL IT a party or an anniversary, either way, the talk of the town as the holiday weekend approaches is 100 Jamz and its 20th anniversary.


Agriculture policy to emphasise buyer links

Small Bahamian producers and livestock developers must have secure access to regional and international markets, the Minister of Agriculture said yesterday, adding that “connecting buyers to sellers” was central to the the Bahamas’ Agriculture Policy Programme (APP).

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High blood pressure linked to sexual dysfunction in women and men

It is well-known that uncontrolled elevated blood pressure can lead to erectile dysfunction in men. It is relatively common for the first symptom of new onset or known poorly controlled hypertension to be poor quality erections.


URCA seeks to shorten reconnection time

THE Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority wants to shorten the time communications service providers have to reconnect the services of people who are wrongfully disconnected or were disconnected because of non-payment.


Anthony Newbold's words prick consciences

AS ANTHONY “Ace” Newbold took his place at the lectern of Holy Trinity parish church on Friday, he looked down on the draped coffin of his friend of 30 years, then donned the mantle of a Marc Antony come to bury his Caesar. This Bahamian Anthony, like that Roman Antony, and his Caesar, was determined not to let the good that Edmund Spencer Moxey, 80, had done for his people be interred with his bones.


All packed close in on Bahamasair

The following was sent to my iPhone today that I thought might interest your readers. The letter writer said:


URCA: BTC cell monopoly 'rare'

URCA: BTC cell monopoly 'rare' By NEIL HARTNELL Tribune Business Editor While conceding that the Bahamas Telecommunications Company's (BTC) ongoing cellular monopoly was "increasingly rare", the industry regulator has rejected Cable Bahamas' urging that


The day Ed Moxey’s ‘vexation was yucked up’

THERE was much discomfort in the official pews at the state funeral on Friday of Edmund Spencer Moxey when Anthony “Ace” Newbold recalled with sarcasm how “our leaders said Edmund was ambitious and had to be stopped and punished – and so they did… and our leaders were all honourable men.”


PLP using Trump’s playbook

It is quite depressing to reflect on the journey that the Republican Party has taken since the days of the American Civil War. It was once the party of Abraham Lincoln that ended slavery in the United States. Today it is the party of Donald Trump and uses anger, fear, conspiracy theories and fake news to whip up the emotions of a section of society that is shrinking and getting more desperate by the day.

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Heartbreaking loss for Bahamas

THE Bahamas men’s national team dropped a heartbreaking 84-81 loss to Mexico and now they are automatically eliminated from contention of winning the CentroBasket Tournament in Panama.

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Bahamas 4th, 6th in 62nd Caribbean Amateur Golf Championships

THE Bahamas concluded the 62nd Caribbean Amateur Golf Championships with a fourth-place finish for the George Teale Trophy, and sixth place in the standings for the Hoerman Cup.Hosted at the North Sound Golf Club in the Cayman Islands, the nine-membe



• Tech giants Facebook, Twitter and Google are taking steps to police terrorists and hate groups on their sites but more work needs to be done, the Simon Wiesenthal Center said on Tuesday.


PLP plays politics with lives

The PLP is playing politics with people’s lives.