All results / Stories / Eloise Poitier

Should you buy a condo?

Should you buy a condo? By Mike Lightbourn Condos and town houses may provide a more affordable path to home ownership, but there are a few things you should consider before making a decision. Ownership means paying a monthly association fee. This can w

Pastor backs calls for national debate

Pastor backs calls for national debate By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - A Grand Bahama pastor is calling for nationally televised political debates in the Bahamas. Pastor Mark Smith, of Dominion Com

Pastor backs calls for national debate

Pastor backs calls for national debate By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - A Grand Bahama pastor is calling for nationally televised political debates in the Bahamas. Pastor Mark Smith, of Dominion Com

Negative aspects of Nassau life

EDITOR, The Tribune. Akin to Shakespeare to "As you like it", I make the following comments of what I see around me which is so negative. 1) The New Providence Road programme - again, Prince Charles and Market are blocked off and I really wonder if this

Thinking out of the box

EDITOR, The Tribune. We hear so much from the politicians and the Downtown Development Board about their high-flouting plans for the City of Nassau however the worst offenders in messing the city up seem to be government. Who did the years-old tree on t

A thousands times no to foreign police

A thousands times no to foreign police EDITOR, The Tribune. I read with interest a report by Dr David Allen a noted psychologist, while I agree with some of his findings on the root cause of the crime situation and some of his recommended remedies, I st


KIOSKS TO BE ADDED TO CHURCHILL SQUARE FREEPORT - As the Downtown Revitalisation Project nears completion, the Grand Bahama Port Authority has announced it will introduce kiosks for the sale of indigenous Bahamian products as an added attraction to the n

Gun Point base to open later this year

THE new base being developed at Gun Point in Ragged Island will allow the Royal Bahamas Defence Force to maintain a constant presence on the Great Bahama Bank, Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest said. The base is expected to become operational


HOLLYWOOD actress Sharon Leal has added her name to the list of filmmakers and industry insiders who count the Bahamas as one of their favourite places to work. Ms Leal (Dreamgirls, Soul Men) filmed the Tyler Perry movie, Why Did I Get Married Too, on loc

PLP did nothing for renewal

PLP did nothing for renewal EDITOR, The Tribune. I sometimes get frustrated when misinformation, be it intentional or out of ignorance of fact, is used to mislead people into thinking something is what it is not. The other day, as I was watching one o

Workshop debates human trafficking

Workshop debates human trafficking NATIONAL Security and law enforcement officials from the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States of America took part in a three-day Trafficking in Persons Workshop over the weekend. They were joined by


Freeport - Having just celebrated its fifth anniversary, the Keep Grand Bahama Clean organisation got a major boost when Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police Emrick Seymour again pledged his officers' full support in the fight against environmental cr


Freeport - Having just celebrated its fifth anniversary, the Keep Grand Bahama Clean organisation got a major boost when Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police Emrick Seymour again pledged his officers' full support in the fight against environmental cr


Freeport - Having just celebrated its fifth anniversary, the Keep Grand Bahama Clean organisation got a major boost when Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police Emrick Seymour again pledged his officers' full support in the fight against environmental cr


Freeport - Having just celebrated its fifth anniversary, the Keep Grand Bahama Clean organisation got a major boost when Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police Emrick Seymour again pledged his officers' full support in the fight against environmental cr

The legacy of St Patrick

EDITOR, The Tribune. Regarding St Patrick's Day - March 17: For most people, St Pat-rick's Day is a day of parades, parties, leprechauns and green beer. But just as Christmas is about more than commercialised fun, so too does St Patrick's Day have a deep

The legacy of St Patrick

EDITOR, The Tribune. Regarding St Patrick's Day - March 17: For most people, St Pat-rick's Day is a day of parades, parties, leprechauns and green beer. But just as Christmas is about more than commercialised fun, so too does St Patrick's Day have a deep

Grand Bahama targets law breakers who dump waste

Freeport - Having just celebrated its fifth anniversary, the Keep Grand Bahama Clean organisation got a major boost when Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police Emrick Seymour again pledged his officers' full support in the fight against environmental cr

Why I will never vote for the PLP

EDITOR, The Tribune. Election season is upon us once again. This important event is commonly referred to by the general public as "Silly Season", but to be honest, "Stupid Season" is a more accurate description, because every time this five year event co

Youngsters learn from their peers about leadership

Youngsters learn from their peers about leadership By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - Fifteen junior high students from Grand Bahama will attend the Peer Leadership Camp in New Providence to learn about dr